Subject: And now for some good news.

Dear Friend,

I often share with you in this weekly message some of the challenges that our program members face each day. Living in areas of great poverty has so many challenges. But today we have some really good news to share with you.

First, a new vehicle has arrived in Aru, where we are implementing a program in northeastern DR Congo. Alleluia! This will undoubtedly be of tremendous help to program coordinators, both in terms of safer travel and also the ability to travel in poor weather conditions (and over roads we can only imagine).

As you can see from the photos I took,

I walked many kilometers through the sand and mud and dirt when I lived in DRC years ago. And my coworkers sometimes had to walk over 10 km just to get to their homes. So I can picture the joy on the faces of our coordinators now!

Second, our program coordinator in Baringo, Kenya, Eva, safely delivered her baby last week, so please pray for their continued health.

Until next week,

Dale Stanton-Hoyle