Subject: An Early Mother's Day Gift

Dear friend,

One of our staff, Liz Ha, our Director of Strategic Partnerships, is a mother and she shared this important message with us:

My children surprised me with an early Mother's Day gift this year. I went away for the weekend and upon my return, they decorated our living room wall with framed snapshots from our favorite family memories. It was a delight to see my children at various stages of life, laughing and thriving. It's my favorite Mother's Day gift ever.

Five Talents works in eight countries across the global south. Naturally, our programs look different across different cultures and communities. A powerful common thread, however, is that we serve mostly women—specifically mothers. Women flock to our Savings and Loan Groups. And all these mother's share a universal desire of a better life for their families. They work so hard because no mother wants to see her child experience the suffering of extreme poverty, and yet many of them don't have the resources they need.

This Mother's Day you can change the trajectory of a life for a mother and her family. By helping to provide business training skills, you empower families to get out of poverty for generations to come. Please consider giving a mother the blessing of seeing her children thrive! Let's add pictures of happy children to more walls around the world!

With heartfelt gratitude,

Liz Ha,

Director of Strategic Partnerships

P.S. Join Five Talents for an evening of Prayer and Praise: TUESDAY, MAY 11TH from 7:00-8:00 PM EST. Click here to learn more and register to attend.