Subject: An Awakening. . .

I am now able to read and write…”

“I was blind and the program opened my eyes…”

I can now access information, read road maps…”

I can read and follow the calendar to visit the health center…”

“I used to sell products and was regularly cheated

but now they can’t do it because I can see…"

         - Five Talents Graduate

Dear Friend,

We hear again and again from our program participants that becoming literate inspires an “awakening.” Quite simply, teaching functional literacy and numeracy to our Five Talents entrepreneurs is a game changer in their lives – the beginning of empowerment.

In many of the fragile communities where we work, extreme poverty and violent civil conflict have left families with little or no access to education. For example, in South Sudan where we have expanded our program, 8 out of 10 females over the age of 15 can’t read or write. In Burundi, where gender inequity and gender-based violence persist, only 5% of women have a secondary education.

The completion of our literacy and business training is a remarkable accomplishment, often achieved in spite of incredible challenges. As our Five Talents graduates proudly launch their businesses, they not only secure a livelihood for their families, they hire neighbors and open businesses in their communities that lift everyone up. We see women who grew up illiterate prioritizing their daughters’ education, wanting their daughters to have the same rights and opportunities as their brothers!

As we enter this season of celebration for all graduates, we recognize launching our graduates would not be possible with you! Thank you for your faithful support that has awakened the potential of men, women, and children around the world.

Your continued partnership has been critical to our work. Will you join us again and help graduate more men and women to a brighter future outside of extreme poverty? On average, a $100 gift empowers a family to send their children to school; $1,000 supports a savings group for a year. Every gift no matter what amount makes a difference!

We hope you will continue to partner with us to bring hope!

Until next Monday morning,

Dale Stanton-Hoyle


P.S. You can find out if your company matches gifts at