Subject: Agatha's Story


The weight of rejection at a time of personal crisis is a heavy blow. Agatha, a 24 year-old  single mother from Rwanda fell in love in high school with a man who left her before their  baby boy was born. She was kicked out of her school in shame, and her family rejected her for coming home pregnant instead of with her diploma. They told Agatha she was worthless and had failed them after they had invested in her education. Even her church choir shunned her and didn’t let her sing in choir anymore. 

All of this led to severe depression for Agatha. She had no support and no way to provide  for her son. Feeling like she had no other options, her depression deepened and she could not carry on. She decided to end her life. 

She took her sleeping child and put him on the straw mat in her room and was ready to hang  herself. Then her son woke up crying, and Agatha decided to breastfeed him one last time.  As she did, she gazed into her son’s eyes, and couldn’t believe that she would leave him to be  alone. 

Yet even in her worst moment, God was making a way. Knowing Agatha was a single mom,  someone had invited her to be part of a Five Talents Savings Group. She said that joining the group ‘was like a dream.’ 

Agatha made friends in her Savings Group and quickly found a community of support from  other single mothers. She started her first business with just $1.60, buying a bag of candy to  resell on the side of the road. She was able to start providing something to feed her son, and to save a little money.  

Next, she took a loan to start another business making cassava bread snacks, which she sells to school children.  This venture has grown enough that Agatha has an employee helping her.  

Agatha kept saving and then was able to take a loan of  $16 from her Savings Group to start her small shop.  She would add more items bit by bit from the profit she made. Now her working capital is $320.

Because of the Savings Group and the encouragement they gave, Agatha says, “I was able  to accept myself and overcome my situation in life. Now I want to help other single mothers  that are in a bad situation, and let them know that this is not the end of their life. I want to  share that it’s possible to move forward.” 

Friend, can you help us with a generous gift so we can reach others and provide them  with the tools, training and mentorship to start their own business and find their way? Like  Agatha, they deserve a dream to do better. 

I have even more to share with you - thanks to a generous donor your gift through April 29 will be matched up to $25,000. That's right, if you act quickly your gift will be doubled.

I’m overjoyed to share that Agatha is attending church again, and learning that God’s love  can heal wounds. She plans to go back to school when her son starts primary school. She  has also reconciled with her family. “I’m empowered and contribute to the family now.”  

Thanks to your generosity Five Talents will be able to reach 5,000 more women this year. Can I count on your support to help women who feel they have no options find a path out of poverty?  You can donate at this link:



Elizabeth Kim Ha  


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