Subject: A Super Speaker for our 25th Anniversary Event!

Introducing our “Super Speaker” for Five Talents 25th Anniversary event October 11!

Five Talents' dynamic Burundi Country Coordinator Claudette Kigeme will be joining us live in person as keynote speaker for our dinner event at Wolf Trap in Vienna, Virginia! 

Claudette has been a force of nature for Five Talents microenterprise programming since 1998 and has many stories to share. Honored by the United Nations and the Archbishop of Canterbury for her work, she has successfully led projects aiming at improving family conditions from family settings to the community level, especially for women’s empowerment and child protection. For a literacy and Savings Group program for vulnerable people, she led a team of over 20 staff and over 1,000 volunteers, enabling 144,000 participants to positively transform their lives, their families and their communities.

Save the Date you won’t want to miss this event!  

Warm regards,

Liz Ha

VP of Strategic Partnerships

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