Subject: A Picture of our Progress

Dear Friend,

It was fun to attend a truly wonderful gathering this past Sunday at Immanuel Presbyterian Church (IPC) in McLean, VA. to present Moments of Lift: A Study of Women Empowered. This photo exhibit featured the brave women who participate in Five Talents’ programs across the globe, and the church placed these incredible works around their sanctuary.  

An enthusiastic crowd in the gathering space after services heard some inspiring stories of how these women found their own sustainable path out of extreme poverty, putting Five Talents’ business and adult literacy training into action. 

We spoke about how Five Talents work with faith communities in the least developed parts of the world is at the heart of what we do. Once you see our programs in action through this photo documentary, you understand why our work is so vital. 

We thank IPC for their support of Five Talents’ program over the years. And if you are interested in hosting Five Talents or the photo exhibit at your church, please contact me or our church liaison, Sarah.

Until next time,

Dale Stanton-Hoyle


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