Subject: A Mother's Day Message

Dear Friend,

Just last year around this time I was visiting our programs in Burundi. As a mom of three kids, one of my most striking memories was seeing the women on the street balancing enormous loads of goods on their heads while carrying a baby strapped to their body with a crew of kids trailing behind.    


It is a heavy load these mothers carry, literally and figuratively. And yet, it was also beautiful to see the cultural value in Burundi to care for one another in community. I remember sitting in a Five Talents Savings Group meeting watching an adorable child unsure of who the mom was because so many women were joyfully laughing and holding the child so the actual mother  could participate in the session. I visited many groups on that trip and would see this happen again and again.  

Galatians 6:2 calls us to, “Carry each other’s burdens, and in this way you will fulfill the law of Christ.” Mothers in our Savings Groups work together to save and invest, while strengthening and supporting each other. One woman in a group said, “Alone I could do nothing. With my group, I can do anything!”

Similarly, the ministry of Five Talents would not be possible without you. Thank you for helping these mothers carry their load and take care of their families with dignity.  


You can honor a mom you know and support our programs for mothers around the world by making a special donation today!  

Warm regards,

Liz Ha

VP of Strategic Partnerships

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