Subject: 2021 Fall Appeal


Sometimes there are stories that both inspire and humble me. This story about a widow named Gena is one such instance. Please take a moment to read about her journey because you are a part of her story:


Gena has experienced trauma and sorrow beyond belief. Tragically, she became a single mom when her husband unexpectedly disappeared. Gena was filled with fear. Like many women in Burundi who have lived through years of violence and civil unrest, Gena was left with the sole care of her family. Despite her grief, she was resolved to not let this trauma be the end of her story.

Gena shared, “I am a single mother with 6 children…I prayed that God would help me to raise them by myself. Then I was invited to join this Savings Group! I want to thank our facilitator Mary for how she has mentored us. I have gained so much.”

Starting with a small loan of only $1.26 from her group, she began to save money from selling vegetables and making a profit bit by bit. Gena could then buy things like salt, milk, clothes, and a couple goats. The goats multiplied and soon became six goats!

When Gena saw her goats multiplying, she wanted to share her newfound blessings with her community. She remembered the Bible verse Matthew 6:3 “When you give to someone in need, do not let your left hand know what your right hand is doing.” So she quietly invited her pastor to come to select one of her best goats as a gift to her church community. The blessings did not end there.

With the business training skills she received, Gena grew her business and eventually took another loan from her group to purchase a cow (a significant achievement for a Burundian woman). The cow provided fertilizer for her growing vegetable garden, and her produce expanded. The number of cows she owned multiplied and enabled her to buy land (another major milestone for a female) and even make a fence around her property!


Friend, because of you, Gena says proudly, “I have been able to provide for the children and myself! I can buy clothes for all of us. I can even afford to get a custom-made dress from the tailor. Thanks be to God; in our home, when my children request some meat for a meal, I just plan and save a little extra for three days, and then I can buy them a meal that includes meat.

God has been supporting me through all of this…I have been able to teach my children through what I have learned. My children are growing and happy. One son is finishing secondary school now. The oldest child is doing a donut business and has been able to buy a bed with the profit, and he is now saving up for a mattress. I encourage him to keep saving toward his goal.”

While we are deeply encouraged by Gena’s story, we are also facing an increased demand for our programs. Countless other men and women are desperately seeking to rebuild their lives during this global pandemic that has added a heavy burden to already fragile communities.

Like Gena, will you make an offering? A monthly gift makes a lasting impact.

  • $25 per month enables training and mentoring to a group of entrepreneurs.

  • $100 per month could support a Savings Group for an entire year.

  • $500 per month will help pay for essential equipment and travel costs for our trainers to reach remote communities.

Whether it’s a one-time gift or monthly support, every gift makes a difference. We could not do this work without you!

With gratitude,

Dale Stanton-Hoyle