Subject: The way we change hearts about abortion

Dear Friend,

Generous donors have offered to DOUBLE your gift to weDignify!

But first, some bad news. As we explained in a previous email, politicians in Illinois are trying to overturn the Parental Notification Act. This act simply requires parents to be informed that their daughter is having an abortion - not even consent.

It saves hundreds of mothers and their babies each year from abortion.

That is why we are working on campus right now to change the hearts of future leaders of our country.

On college campuses, we transform students into skilled, virtuous pro-life leaders who have an exponential impact. Dante is one of these students.

“Before joining weDignify, I had done nothing with pro-life.”

“It took being invited to a Small Group. Now I’m excited to engage people about this issue because I feel like I can.”

“The knowledge from my weDignify Small Group prepared me to dialogue. Which is the only way we change hearts.” - Dante

Just 3 weeks ago, weDignify students took to the quad to “Dare Greatly” - an event where they start a dialogue with their peers on abortion.

“At first, I really did not want to do this… I still went and after the conversations that I had today, I was able to relate to the women on the question of helping women." - Margarita P.

Dante and Margarita are changing hearts on their campus every day.

But they cannot do it without your support.

Our Spring Campaign goal is to raise $20,000. Your support will fund our Campus Mentor Program to train Dante, Margarita, and other students to build the culture of life- exponentially!

PLUS, generous donors will DOUBLE any gift up to $10,000 given by May 31st! Thank you for your support in transforming students to save lives!

Loving Life,

Executive Director - weDignify

P.S. Dante said “I would be less of a leader, and not as strong in my pro-life identity without weDignify. I have this organization to thank for so much of who I’ve become.” Give by May 31st to transform more students like Dante.

weDignify, 604 E. Armory Avenue, 61820, Champaign, United States
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