Subject: The reality of the times

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Dear Friend,

We are living in unprecedented times: students have been sent home, businesses are closing, and hospitals are running low on beds and supplies.

But Planned Parenthood continues to perform abortions. In Illinois they closed centers that don’t perform abortions so they can focus on their main goal: performing as many abortions as possible.

In hospitals, nurses working on COVID-19 floors are given one mask for an entire 8 hour shift. They put their lives at risk to save lives — while abortion clinics continue to use masks, gowns, and other protective equipment on elective abortions. 

How is this legal? Because Illinois Governor J.B. Pritzker has deemed abortion an essential procedure.

Abortion clinics are staying open.

WeDignify is staying open. Our mission to save lives is essential.

More than ever, it is essential to teach young people the pro-life message to save lives.

We need your financial support to educate young people through our virtual small groups and mentoring.

Thank you for sacrificing with us, 

Kevin Grillot

Executive Director

weDignify, 604 E. Armory Avenue, 61820, Champaign, United States
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