Subject: Moment of Silence - IL Bill passes House

Dear Friend,

I write you with terrible news.

The Illinois House of Representatives just passed SB 25 "the Reproductive Health Act." 

The abortion legislation was tacked on to SB 25 and brought to a hearing in committee at 7:08pm Sunday night - when most people were with their families. 

It passed with a 64-50 vote with 4 voting present.

Now, it goes to the desk of Governor J.B. Pritzker. On January 22 - early this year, Governor Pritzker vowed to make Illinois the "most progressive state" on abortion.

It is very likely he will sign this bill into law.

This will make abortion of unborn life legal at any stage of pregnancy and available for any reason in Illinois.

Proponents framed it as a simple clean-up bill. This is false - as I've told you. 

This creates the most extreme access to abortion in any state in the U.S.

Here's what this bill does:
  • Access to late term abortion for any reason up to birth
  • Makes abortion a fundamental right - making any limits nearly impossible
  • Removes parental notification - even for a 13 year old
  • Non-physicans can perform medical abortions
  • Removes any standards and regulations of abortion clinics (including no annual health inspection)
  • Mandates private insurance plans under Illinois's authority to provide coverage for elective abortions.
  • and more.
Today, Illinois politicians made clear their callous disregard for life.

Today and every day, weDignify stands for the dignity of every human life. 

Our resolve will not falter, will not fail, and will not give in.

We know the value of every life and we will not be silent.

This summer we are in preparations for the biggest advances of weDignify yet. These advances are bold and I will need you to join with me financially. I look forward to sharing those with you in the coming months.

But today, please join me and all of weDignify in:
  • Moment of silence 
  • Prayer
I am sending this now and then joining my team in prayer for Divine Mercy.

We mourn this tragedy and the lives of the unborn at any stage of pregnancy that this will take. 

Loving Life,


weDignify, 604 E. Armory Avenue, 61820, Champaign, United States
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