Subject: IL abortion bills up for a vote: call your House Representative RIGHT NOW

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Dear Friend,

Two extreme abortion bills are being voted on in the Illinois House and the Illinois Senate TODAY despite thousands of calls and emails in opposition to this legislation.

Help stop these bills by taking action right now.

We do not have a chance to beat these bills in the Senate, so focus on calling your House Representative as well as Speaker Madigan.

This may be our last chance to have our voices heard. 

Springfield offices are open right now - if you’ve called before, please call again. If you haven’t called yet, now is your chance.

What you can do:

1. Call your house representative and tell them you oppose these bills.

     - Click here to find contact information for your house representative

     - When you call, be sure to identify the bills by name:

          1. Parental Notice of Abortion Repeal - more info here

          2. Late Term Abortion, No Restrictions Bill - more info here

2. Call Speaker Madigan and urge him to stop a vote on this legislation.

     - Call his Springfield office at 217-782-5350.

     - Tell him how you feel about late term abortion and that he risks losing his majority if he allows these bills to come up for a vote

Thank you, in advance, for helping to stop these extreme abortion bills from being passed.

Loving Life,


P.S. If you are not an Illinois resident, please forward this email to anyone you know in Illinois to help rally the troops to stop these bills!
weDignify, 604 E. Armory Avenue, 61820, Champaign, United States
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