Subject: Tips for "falling back" and 3 easy one-pan-meals for your rotation

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Jessica in kitchen

Hi Friend,

I hope this message finds you well! Since today is "Fall Back" Sunday I wanted to share a timely article that my Mother In Law sent to me: Why the Time Change Is Trickier When Working From Home (originally published in the WSJ).

A key recommendation is to get outside as early as possible. I've written about why morning light is so important as well as adjusting lighting in the evenings, but here's the gist: light is a critical cue for our bodies, and early exposure of about 30 mins helps set our circadian rhythms. This promotes alertness, productivity, and also synchronizes the timing of food cravings and sleep. The trick is that it must be outdoor light, even on an overcast day.

Though merely sitting outside is helpful, going for a walk is even better! If you're not already doing the 10 Walks A Week Challenge, I urge you to join us and make a morning walk a priority. Here are a few other reasons to jump on the bandwagon.

If you don't have a walking routine, check out this post for 5 Things To Do On Your Walks for some inspiration.


3 Easy One-Pan-Meals for Your Rotation

Roast Chicken with Artichokes & Lemons

Roast Chicken with Lemons & Artichokes

The prep takes about 15 min and the rest is hands-off. You can make this in your oven or in a Traeger Grill.

One Pan Pizza and Broccoli
One Pan Pizza and broccoli

One Pan Frozen Pizza with Veggies

This one is very flexible. The point is that you can roast asparagus, broccoli, cauliflower or Brussels sprouts on the same pan as a frozen pizza.

Asparagus and salmon

One Pan Salmon & Asparagus (aka my version of a frozen pizza)

This is the quickest of the three and a go-to meal in our rotation (~ once a week). The post includes a :30 video that shows the entire 3 min(!) prep.


Thank you so much for reading!

If you're doing the #10WalksaWeek Challenge, let me know how you're feeling or if you have any good tips to share (motivation, favorite podcasts, making time, accountability, etc.). And as always, if you have a chance to try a recipe, let me know how it turned out! You can also leave a comment or a rating for any that are on -- these are much appreciated!

Wishing you a safe and healthy week ahead.

Be Well,

Jess XO

P.S. Do you know someone who'd appreciate yummy recipes, clean products recommendations, and healthy living tips? Here are some links you can pass along: weekly newsletter sign-upInstagramPinterest, and Facebook. Thank you so much for sharing!


*Note: I partner with a select handful of companies (that I shop from regularly!) and I'm also an Amazon Associate. I receive a small commission on qualifying purchases made through the provided links at no additional cost to you. In fact, I'm usually able to get you something extra, like a $.01 bottle of wine or a shopping credit when you make a purchase -- so just ask if you need a link! These partnerships help cover some costs of running this site. Thank you for your support! 

Please feel free to ask if you have questions about any of these products. I will always give you my honest opinion and do my best to point you in the right direction!


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