Hi Friend! I hope this message finds you well! I know many of you are parents, and if so, uncertainty about this school year is likely on your mind. Since at-home learning is either a consideration, a foregone conclusion, or perhaps an inevitability at some point, I wanted to share a podcast that might be helpful. This is an interview that Wellness Mama did with a fellow entrepreneur and home-schooled home-schooler that might be useful for anyone doing at-home learning this year. In addition to fostering entrepreneurship, they touch on mindset, practical tips for parents, and discuss homeschooling in the context of the pandemic. Though I'm not the homeschooling type (I've only considered it because of the pandemic and our individual circumstances), I found it helpful as we enter this next chapter. p.s. I know this is an agonizing decision and a tough situation for many. Our circumstances are all different, and our choices will vary. I hope we can support each other, including those who make different decisions, and give ourselves grace now more than ever. Everyone is doing their best. Here are a few other updates from the past week: |