Subject: A small change that's had a big impact...



Hi Friend,

Happy Sunday. I hope this message is finding you well!

As I talk to friends and neighbors, it seems like a lot of people are starting to "find their groove" and generally feeling more acclimated as we pass the two month mark of quarantine. Others are near their wits' end. Around here (Chicago), the (slow!) change in the weather is a big factor, and the sentiment can change day-by-day.

Yesterday our family had a long conversation about small adjustments that can make life feel more normal. The themes: connection & getting out... for walks where you can say hello to people, doing your own (masked) grocery shopping, and socially distant outdoor visits with close friends or family members. All from a safe distance, of course!

Here's an update in my life, some takeaways from a podcast I enjoyed, and a recipe that should get you in the mood for summer:


Going GF and DF - week 1 for the kids, week 2 for me

As I've learned more about the gut-brain connection, I'm increasingly convinced that diet and gut health have an impact on how we feel mentally and emotionally. Recently learning about how a friend's three children are now thriving on a strict anti-inflammatory diet, inspired me to do more research on the link between inflammatory foods and mood, behavior issues in children, and cognitive function. I decided it was worth a try, so I removed gluten and dairy (casein) two weeks ago and removed it from my kids' diets this week.

I shared a little more about the experience here. In short: it's had a very positive impact on everyone's mood and my daughter's behavior, even in this short time. I can't tell you how good this feels! This was by far the best week we've had in a long time and I just wish I'd made this connection earlier.

Stay tuned... I'll share more soon.

kale salad

This week's recipe

Here's my spin on the Canal House marinated zucchini recipe from Food 52. It's simple, summery, can be made in advance, and full of healthy ingredients like garlic and fresh parsley. It's great as a side with dinner or chilled, right out of the fridge the next day. Let me know if you try it!


A podcast I liked + my top takeaways

A close friend introduced me to the work of Dr. Terry Whals many years back. She has an incredible story that includes reversing her aggressive MS (she was in a tilt-reclined wheelchair for four years), extensive clinical research, and helping thousands of people with autoimmune disease. This podcast shares more of her story and explains Why the Whals Protocal is for more than MS. Here were a few sections of the interview that caught my attention:

  • Eating more color and servings of vegetables = better brain function, and less cancer, diabetes, and heart disease (15:40).

  • The importance of fat for our brains and hormone development (16:35). Also her take on ancestral ketosis and seasonal ketosis (31:00).

  • Positive changes in children’s behavior and academic performance (25:10), plus tips for eating healthy with kids (31:22).

  • Addressing hormonal issues, including the rise of early puberty onset with young girls (35:55) and easing the severity of menstrual pain and symptoms (36:10).


That's it for this week! Thank you for reading and staying connected during this crazy time.

I'd love to hear from you, so please let me know what you like about these emails, what you think could be improved, or any other feedback that can make this message more useful!

Wishing you a safe and healthy week ahead. 

Be well,

Jess XO

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Note: I partner with a select handful of companies (that I shop from regularly!) and I'm also an Amazon Associate. I receive a small commission on qualifying purchases made through the provided links at no additional cost to you. In fact, I'm usually able to get you something extra, like a $.01 bottle of wine or a shopping credit when you make a purchase. These partnerships help cover some costs of running this site and help me bring you free content. Thank you for your support! 

Please feel free to ask if you have questions about any of these products. I will always give you my honest opinion and do my best to point you in the right direction!


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