Subject: Great news! 🇸🇬 Singapore is up and running | Try it out now with our great offers!

Try out our new locations with a variety of offers starting with

Straight to the point, because there is no time to waste, has just launched Singapore data center.

Singapore is a limited availability location so hurry up!

Try out our new locations with a variety of offers starting with:

  1. Virtono’s KVM-based Cloud Virtual Servers come with dedicated resources and SSD storage in multiple data centers worldwide with 30 GB SSD of storage, 1 vCPU, 1GB RAM of memory, and 2TB of bandwidth, all for under 30 EUR per year.

Simple -  €29.95 / year.

It works for any website & for any business.

Virtono’s KVM Cloud Virtual Servers come with some digital goodies:

  • 50GB SSD

  • 1 vCPU

  • 2GB RAM

  • 3TB Traffic

  • 1x IPv4 Address

  • 1x /64 IPv6 Subnet

  1. Get 50% OFF for the first month for any service on our website, starting with KVM2G, and get the right one for you! Use coupon code TRYIT50 at checkout.

Use our test IPs so you can check the latency:



All the best,


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