Subject: Is Life Coach Training Necessary?

Have you ever wondered if you should bother with getting life coach certification or just hang your shingle and say you're a coach?

Today I want to take a moment and tell you the real deal about coach certification.

The truth is, you don't have to be certified to be a coach.

You can simply start.


without life coach certification training:

- you won't know how to achieve transformation in your client
- you won't know how to set up your practice
- you won't know techniques that help cultivate real mindset shifts
- you will be miss out on developing you as a person so you can be at your best when you're working with clients

...and most importantly you won't have the confidence you need to call yourself a coach and believe it.

You see, many people trained and untrained struggle to build a thriving coaching business because they don't feel confident about helping their clients and don't have a clue how to coach.

So they never get their practice off it's feet.

In fact, I there are graduates of the Women's Coaching Academy who came to us after taking training at another school.  The problem is, they knew how to coach but didn't know how to set up their business.

The Train to Be a Life Coach Program trains you on the proper coaching skills, teaches you how to coach, how to market your business and get clients, how to set up your coaching business and explains all the revenue streams you can have as a coach so you can begin earning.

Upon graduation, your coaching practice will be up and running!

If you have been thinking about becoming a coach...there is no time like the present. 

Join me for the winter session of the Train to Be a Life Coach Program.  Early Bird Enrollment is open with an affordable monthly plan. 

Class officially begins on January 31, so grab your seat now before the early bird registration price ends.

I hope to see you in class!

Lisa Porter
Training Director

P.S. Got questions? Hit "reply" and ask away!

Coach Lane, Mt. Pocono, PA 18344, United States
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