CLOSING THOUGHTS I wrote recently that human beings seem to need for every experience to have a beginning, a middle, and an end. In 2013 I began what has been one of my greatest adventures; that’s when I was given permission to start writing a newsletter for Wayfarers Chapel. Since that time, with very few exceptions, I have had an opportunity to talk to you every week. Sometimes we laughed together, and sometimes we cried together; whatever the tone, I always derived great pleasure sharing my thoughts with you. But as with all things, an ending must come. Now it is time for someone else to pick up the baton and run with it. I have concluded this chapter in my life and the page has turned and reveals the next chapter for me to begin anew. My daughters have asked me to share their home. This is both an honor and privilege, and an offer I have, with great love, accepted. I will begin the relocating process immediately. The first order of business will be the arduous task of selling my home and many of my belongings. I would be less than honest if I didn’t tell you that this is a very difficult transition for me, but once completed, my life will be much simpler, and there will be many opportunities for me to begin a whole new adventure. Writing is a very important part of my life, and I will continue to pursue and even expand this practice…maybe a blog, maybe even a book as one of my counselors suggested. When you reach your eighth decade of life and reflect on all the rich experiences you have been blessed with, there are so many things you want to share with others. Make no mistake; I will sorely miss each member of my spiritual family. The years I have spent with you have been filled with growth that would have never been possible without you. My intention now is to continue to grow in love and understanding and to be filled to the brim with gratitude. The positive gift I will receive from the suffering I will experience as I make this life passage will be the closeness of my children and grandchildren. I can be an active participant in their lives in a way that is not separated by miles and miles as it is now. So, I’ll not say goodbye, I will simply bow with folded hands and say "Namaste, dear ones." Mimi |