Subject: Wayfarers ❤️ Newsletter for 5/18-24/20


May 18-24, 2020


Mimi Nash


Live Sunday morning services remain on hiatus during the pandemic, but our wonderful speakers continue to deliver their messages which we video record for the website.

Dr. Katie Davis is our scheduled speaker for May 24. Her talk is titled ”Ubuntu Theology: Community and Corona Virus”. Dr. Katie’s talks are always thoughtfully prepared and delivered from her own lifetime of learning. She divides her time between Lawrenceville, GA and here in the mountains, so we are always grateful when she makes time for Wayfarers.

The videos of the Sunday talks are generally posted on within a few days of recording.



In Dee's talk this past week, she mentioned that rather than watching TV during this time, they watch YouTube. One of their favorites is a 6 hour video of sheep grazing in Napa Valley, CA, just going about their day - totally unaware of the world wide pandemic. You can enjoy the video at



Our own Rev. Kathleen Rehling will resume Qigong classes beginning Tuesday, May 26 at 3pm. Qigong is a centuries-old system of body posture and movement, breathing, and meditation used for health, spirituality, and martial-arts. Classes will be held outside on the deck and will be limited in size due to Covid-19 risk. Therefore, participants must RSVP Kathleen in advance if they intend to attend. She can be reached at 912.222.3996. Love offering is gratefully accepted by instructor.



Yoga classes with Tom Tyre will resume beginning Wednesday, June 3 at 6pm. Tom offers a gentle version of Yoga that is suitable for beginners as well as those more experienced. Classes will be held outside on the deck. Please bring your own yoga mat, blanket, and pillow for class. Love offering is gratefully accepted by instructor.



A big thanks to the entire Opelske team for all the fabulous work this past month. In addition to recent group activity, several team members have been adding that little something extra.

The roses are blooming nicely thanks to Bob & Mereta Alspaugh's regular tending. Bob cleaned out the roof gutters and downspouts. Bruce Rosendahl has spent hours trimming and clearing the walkways and parking lots. And Bruce, Dave Stearns, Sandy Thomas, and Joyce Oliver are putting extra time cleaning, reorganizing, and critter-proofing the storage area under the chapel.

In short, lots of work, energy and love are keeping our chapel grounds vibrant and ready for our return. Thanks again for prioritizing our chapel's needs as a way to put your love in action.



Wayfarers Prayer Group is available to hold you, a friend, or loved one in affirmative prayer in time of need. If you wish to receive prayerful support, please contact Mimi Nash at 404.754.4997 or All information is treated in strictest confidence.

In this time of turbulence, affirmative energy is especially important. We invite you to join the Prayer Group at 10 am each day for meditation/prayer.  Wherever you may be, set a reminder to stop for a moment and offer your desires for the healing of the world.



The much awaited Acoustic Eidolon concert at the Chapel is CANCELLED. While we will miss their fabuous music this year, we look forward to their return in June 2021.



Zoom is upgrading their security, so everyone will need to upgrade their computer and/or smartphone to Zoom 5.0 or higher BEFORE May 30th in order to prevent a delay in joining the meeting.



The Zoom Gatherings on Wednesday mornings continue to be enjoyed by those participating in the program. We hope you will join us this Wednesday again at 10:00 am.

First time attendees, CLICK HERE to view and/or download the attached Participant Guide for detailed instructions on how to join the meeting. (Please note, if using iPad you get a mostly black screen, simply touch the screen, select the download arrow at the top right, and then View.)

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 846585462   Password: 124578

You may also copy and paste the following into your web browser address bar:

If you have questions or need assistance working with this new communication technology, please contact Ruth Henry at 901.218.4234.



The Board always welcomes and encourages your input. If you have suggestions, questions, or new ideas about opportunities to serve the Chapel or our communities, please contact one of the Board members listed below.

Marie Dunkle ........ (770) 335-0967 ....

Mereta Alspaugh .. (858) 945-0305 ....

Anne Kirslis .......... (404) 510-2670 ....

Ruth Henry ........... (901) 218-4234 ....

Chris Casses ........ (828) 200-4543 ....



Wayfarers website address is

Check in frequently for updated chapel information, to watch videos of Sunday talks, read the newsletter, make an online contribution, check out the schedule of events, and learn about all the opportunities for spiritual growth that are offered.



Mimi is “taking a few weeks of hiatus in order to complete some personal business.”  So, for the next few weeks we will dearly miss her heartfelt messages, and look forward to her return. 

In the meantime, please enjoy the Daily Word for Saturday May 16, 2020

* * * * * *


I boldly explore new paths.


As I walk in the footsteps of those who have lived before me – explorers, innovators, and servicemen and servicewomen to name a few – I give thanks for their daring and bravery. Their courage to take risks and blaze new trails inspires me to rise to challenges that will push my boundaries and expand my world. If I find myself hesitating, I acknowledge my fear as I resolve to push past it. The strength and power of God expresses powerfully as me. I am bold in my exploration of every aspect of my being. I ask tough questions and listen to the wisdom of my heart. I draw upon my power of zeal to express myself and confidently walk new paths. In each new circumstance, I reach within to call forth even more. I have more to give and more to live. I live boldly!

Dueteronomy 31:23


Be strong and bold – I will be with you.


Wayfarers Unity Chapel is entirely supported by free-will offerings. We are richly blessed by the people in our fellowship who give, and we are grateful for your gifts. If you would like to contribute financially to support this ministry, please place your love offering in one of the donation baskets at the Chapel entrance.

If you prefer to make your donation electronically, please visit the DONATIONS page and select the yellow "Donate" button.

Tax deductible donations may also be mailed to Wayfarers Unity Chapel, PO Box 474, Dillard, GA 30537. There are self addressed envelopes at the Donation Center which may be used to mail your gift.

“Divine love thru me

blesses and multiplies all that I have,

all that I give, and all that I receive.”