Subject: Wayfarers ❤️ Newsletter Sept 12-18, 2022

Welcome to the

Wayfarers Unity Chapel

Newsletter for Sept -18, 2022



Grab a sharable dish, maybe a yard game or two, and your favorite non-alcoholic beverage and join the fun at the Annual Metaphysical Picnic at Western Carolina University Picnic Pavillion in Cullowhee, NC. The full event details and directions are available HERE.

SUNDAY - 9/18 - 10 AM - SERVICE

Rev. Dr. Kate Greysen will speak on What Is Your Legacy? What Will You Leave Behind? This talk focuses on how our past intercepts with our present in our future.

SUNDAY - 9/18 - 2 PM - CICADA RHYTHM - Concert on the Deck

This is the last concert of the season, so if you haven't already told your friends, pick up that phone and let 'em know it's time to have some fun with Cicada Rhythm!

This duo offers a fresh, unique take on folk music. Combine a Juliard-trained bassist with guitar picking honed in Atlanta's dive bars - add in some amazing harmonies - and you have one great musical afternoon.

So grab your lawn chair, favorite beverage, and dancing shoes and join us on the deck Sunday 9/18 at 2 PM for our last concert of the season with Georgia-born and raised Cicada Rhythm. We love the dappled shade of the deck, but if it rains, no worries, we'll just move inside!

A $5 donation to support the musicians is recommended.



Chris Casses, Katharine Brown, and Joyce Oliver provided our music as Joyce Oliver led our Founders' Day Celebration.

Joyce then led us in ceremony with dried flowers and cornmeal to honor those no longer physically with us and welcome new Wayfarers.


We enjoyed another relaxing, healing REIKI session at the chapel this past Wednesday. Watch the newsletter or check the calendar for another session next month.



Our Board of Directors works diligently to ensure all Wayfarers experience excellent speakers & musicians and positive experiences such as Potlucks, Coffee Hour, REIKI sessions, and the concert series to feed bodies and soul -- all in a safe, well-maintained environment. These are the folks who make the decisions about the direction of the chapel and the day-to-day operation.

New Board Members will begin serving 1/1/2023.

Every Wayfarer is eligible to nominate themselves or another Wayfarer to serve on the Board. Please do not assume that since you mentioned a possible nominee to someone 6 or 7 months ago that that was enough. Sad to say, but sometimes memories take a vacation. SO, think about who you would like to see serving on the board and nominate them by CLICKING HERE or by contacting one of the current Board Members.


 "Carve your name on hearts, not tombstones. A legacy is etched into the minds of others and the stories they tell about you."

— Shannon Adler



The Wayfarers Prayer Group is available to hold you, a friend, or a loved one in affirmative prayer in time of need. If you wish to receive prayerful support, please contact Anne Kirslis at 404.510.2670 or

The Board always welcomes and encourages your input. If you have suggestions, questions, or new ideas about opportunities to serve the Chapel or our communities, please contact one of the Board members listed below.

Jennifer Utley, Chair ..................(901) 581-2404 ...

Barbara Beckham, Treasurer ... (772) 321-8145 ...

David Stearns, Secretary.......... (828) 349-7361 ...

Sandy Thomas ......................... (407) 786-4364 ...


Wayfarers' website address is Check-in frequently for updated chapel information, calendar of events, to watch videos of Sunday talks, read the newsletter, make an online contribution, check out the schedule of events, and learn about all the opportunities for spiritual growth that are offered.

Wayfarers Unity Chapel is entirely supported by free-will offerings. We are richly blessed by the people in our fellowship who give, and we are grateful for your gifts.

If you would like to contribute financially to support this ministry, please place your love offering in one of the donation baskets at the Chapel entrance or mail your check to Wayfarers Unity Chapel, PO Box 474, Dillard, GA 30537. You may also make a contribution electronically by clicking HERE or by visiting "DONATIONS" page and selecting the yellow "Donate" button. All donations are tax-deductible.

"Divine love thru me

blesses and multiplies all that I have,

all that I give, and all that I receive."