10 AM - SUNDAY SERVICE The service time is still the same, but to enjoy Chris Casses' wonderful music and Garnett Nash's message, be sure to turn your clock back an hour Saturday night before you go to bed as Daylight Savings Time comes to an end this Sunday.
11 AM - ANNUAL MEETING OF THE MEMBERSHIP Please make plans to attend the short annual meeting this Sunday immediately after the service. In this meeting, we will present the year's financial report, introduce and affirm the 2023 Board, and discuss plans and proposed budget for 2023. IMMEDIATELY AFTER the ANNUAL MEETING >> POTLUCK!
There will be a Potluck dinner following the annual meeting next Sunday. Bring a dish to share but all are welcome to stay and eat even if you don't bring something. We have plenty. If the weather allows we will eat out on the deck. But if it is too cool or wet, we will have the gathering inside the chapel.
The current COVID risk in Rabun and Macon counties is LOW; however, the Flu is really doing it's thing, so the board will be deciding on a month-to-month basis about holding the Potluck Dinners.
Everyone is free to make the decision that is best for themselves. We are looking forward to a fun time together. |