"BLUE JAZZ" -- 2 PM Sunday 10/17 Take three amazing musicians, add in a little jazz, blues, and soul, and you get the super-satisfying experience of BLUE JAZZ. This trio from Franklin, NC is an absolute crowd-pleaser. So grab your friends, your lawn chairs, and your favorite beverage and join us Sunday afternoon at 2 PM on the deck of Wayfarers chapel. |
All are welcome. - A $5 donation for the musicians is always appreciated.
Please note, while we pray for and look forward to good weather, if it rains, the event will move indoors where masks are required and seating is limited. |
Ever wonder how you can contribute to continuing the wonderful activities here at Wayfarers Chapel - or even improving it? Joining the board is a wonderful way to be of service to the chapel and the many Wayfarers served. Maybe this is new to you - maybe you have served before --- all voices and open hearts are welcome.
The Board of Directors is responsible for making decisions regarding the daily operation, fiscal soundness, direction, and policies of the chapel in accordance with the chapel by-laws and typically meets for 1-2 hours every 1-2 months.
If you have questions and/or are interested in serving as a member of the Board of Directors, please contact Ruth Henry either in person or at 901.218.4234. |
WEDNESDAY: YOGA on the DECK (5:15 PM) Join us for Yoga on the Deck with instructor Dana Thiele this Wednesday at 5:15 PM. Bring a mat, block, and strap if you have them - maybe a blanket for a little extra padding. Class is suitable for everyone from beginners to regular practitioners. Class is free - Love Offerings Accepted.
Please note, if it rains, class moves inside where spacing is limited and on a first come basis. If you would like to receive text updates for this or future class cancellations, please notify Dana Thiele at (706) 982.1297. |
SUNDAY MORNING: SERVICE (10 AM) Chris Casses is our musician this week.
Tom Tyre will share practices for learning to see ourselves more clearly and several reasons we might want to do that in his talk "You Spot It, You Got It."
Reminders for All Indoor Gatherings at Wayfarers Masks are required indoors. Masks and Hand Sanitizer are available by entry doors. Please keep access to front and back doorways clear. The back deck is a great place to "hang out" or visit with friends. Single and Double Seating are spaced 3' apart. If you prefer 6' spacing, please contact info@wayfarersunity.org prior to arrival. Please note, speakers and singers will not be wearing masks during their talks and performances. If you have concerns about potential exposure, please feel free to take one of the seats farther back in the chapel or enjoy the talks on-line. |
SUNDAY AFTERNOON: BLUE JAZZ in Concert On the Deck @ 2 PM If you know them, you love them. If you don't know them, you are in for a treat. Join us at 2 PM on the deck for the smooth blues, jazz, & soul that is BLUE JAZZ! |
BOARD MEETING The Board of Directors will meet Monday, 10/18 at 10 AM in the chapel. In addition to routine business, the board will be reviewing proposed changes to the chapel's bylaws as well as the budget for the coming year.
All Wayfarers are welcome to attend and observe. Wayfarers are also invited to submit topics/issues for board review. Please contact Ruth Henry at 901.218.4234 or qilautheartsong@gmail.com by Sunday afternoon 10/17 with any requests for review during this meeting. |
NOVEMBER 7 -- ANNUAL MEETING & BOARD ELECTIONS The Wayfarers Unity Chapel Annual Board Meeting will be held in the chapel immediately following the morning service on Sunday, November 7, 2021. In addition to reports by Board President, Ruth Henry and Treasurer, Barbara Beckham, board members will be affirmed/elected on this day. |
DONATIONS TO COMMUNITY ORGANIZATIONS As part of our SERVICE commitment, Wayfarers is honored to be able to financially support the needs of our local community. Thank you for your recommendations last week as to worthy organizations that serve the area. The Board has dedicated $1500 to be split between the following organizations: PAWS for Life (Rabun Co. "No Kill" animal shelter); Food Bank of NE GA (serving those facing hunger); FAITH (assistance for abuse victims); Richard's Kids (clothing and care for children of Rabun Co); Chattooga Conservancy (protecting our waterways); St. Helena's Guadalupe Fund (supports the local Hispanic community); Sid Weber Memorial Cancer Fund (Financial assistance with non-medical expenses for those in Rabun County dealing with cancer); New Beginnings (assistance for homeless and near-homeless individuals in Macon County). |
THIS PAST SUNDAY Chris Casses was our musician. Ruth Henry, one of our many resident storytellers, shared her anecdotes and wisdom concerning facing stress in our lives and maintaining an open spiritual state to handle life's challenges. Ruth's talk will be available on-line later this week. |
Life is only a reflection of what we allow ourselves to see. – Trudy Symeonakis Vesotsky |
PRAYER GROUP The Wayfarers Prayer Group is available to hold you, a friend, or a loved one in affirmative prayer in time of need. If you wish to receive prayerful support, please contact Anne Krislis at (404) 510-2670 or adeeney424@aol.com |
Wayfarers Unity Chapel is entirely supported by free-will offerings. We are richly blessed by the people in our fellowship who give, and we are grateful for your gifts.
If you would like to contribute financially to support this ministry, please place your love offering in one of the donation baskets at the Chapel entrance or mail your check to Wayfarers Unity Chapel, PO Box 474, Dillard, GA 30537. You may also make a contribution electronically by visiting www.wayfarersunity.org DONATIONS page and selecting the yellow "Donate" button". All donations are tax-deductible. blesses and multiplies all that I have, all that I give, and all that I receive." |