| Two weeks ago, the newsletter accidentally did not get "sent". LAST WEEK the newsletter WAS sent, but several people indicated that they did not receive it. Turns out there was an unusually high number of "bounces" - kind of like when you call someone and the phone rings on your end but the person sitting beside it never hears a ring or gets a message -- but the messages were never returned as undeliverable. Ahhh, the mysteries of the internet and electronics in general. Nothing we can do about it except to say "well now, isn't that interesting!" ... and remember that you can always check the website for the most recent newsletter.
Speaking of which, there was also a mystery issue last week with accessing the newsletter via our webpage (was Mercury in retrograde???). Well, at least we could do something about that one! So.....
Now when you go to the webpage and click on the NEWSLETTER button, it will take you directly to the newsletter archive. From there you just click on the top blue banner and you will be looking at the most recently published newsletter. And if you are curious, you can always go back and check info from other newsletters.
The one thing to know about doing it this way is that it works great on a computer but is a little squirrely on a phone. So, if you like to view on a phone, please turn the phone to landscape (wide view) and carefully scroll up/down with your fingers. It may be a fun test of your dexterity as it can also move left/right as well as up/down. | | Board President, Jennifer Utley, gave us a summary of the year's events and changes, a quick view of the budget, and ideas for 2023. A copy of the Annual Financial Statement is available on the Chapel Documents page of the website or by clicking here.
Jen thanked Tony Angel for his years of dedication and service as our webmaster; Dave Stewart for his assistance in transferring operation of the website to our control; David Stearns for his support in the process; Ruth Henry for updates, formatting, reorganizing and uploading the missing videos; and Ruth Henry and David Stearns for accepting the ongoing challenge of maintaining our website.
Jen advised that, per our bylaws, no formal Board election was required since there are only 5 Board positions and only 5 volunteers. She thanked outgoing member David Stearns for his two years of service as Board Secretary and announced the 2023 Board.
The 2023 Board consists of current members Jennifer Utley, Sandy Thomas, and Barbara Beckham and new members Garnett Nash and Brenda Smith. | | 10 AM - SUNDAY SERVICE This Sunday Ruth Henry is our musician and Rev. Dr. Kate Greysen explores Spiritual Alignment: What It Means and How We Know When We Get There. | | 12/18 CHRISTMAS CELEBRATION - SEEKING VOLUNTEERS December 18th at 10 AM we will present a program of music and verse for the Holidays.
If you would like to provide a musical offering please contact Katharine Brown at 828.421.4178 or kbtrailrunner@yahoo.com. If you need someone to accompany you, we will assist in finding someone.
If you would like to read verse/prose/tell a story, then please contact Marie Dunkle at 770.335-0967 or mdunkle@mindspring.com.
We need your contributions no later than December 7th in order to create a program/handout for the event.
CHRISTMAS DAY Christmas Day at the Chapel will be an opportunity for quiet reflection and meditation from 10-11 AM. A Chapel leader will be on-site to open and close the building.
CELTIC CHRISTMAS at PARKER RANCH Parker Ranch will host a musical Celtic Christmas celebration on December 10th at 6 PM. Tickets for the event are available online at https://www.parkersranch.com/shop | | Chris Casses provided our music. Presenting ideas and opening to discussion, Garnett Nash helped us explore the question "Why do bad things happen to good people?" | | | After the service and the Annual Meeting of the membership, the rain cleared and the temperature was perfect for enjoying another wonderful potluck dinner on the deck. | | | FUND DRIVE for ROSEMARY's CHAPEL | We are at $4,002 on our way to our $7500 goal to fund the repairs and additions to RoseMary's Chapel. And it's a good thing as work on RoseMary's Chapel is zipping along. Last Sunday the deck was mostly complete and the flooring installation had begun. Can't wait to see where we are this Sunday! Work should be completed soon so keep those donations coming! If donating by check, please note "Building Fund" on your check. If donating by cash, please be sure to place the money in the Building Fund Basket. If using PayPal, please send an email to Barbara Beckham at apinklady@att.net requesting that the funds be directed to the Building Fund. THANK YOU. | | | Looked at from a spiritual standpoint, our discomfort in any given situation provides a signal that we are out of alignment with spiritual law and are being given an opportunity to heal something. Your greatest challenge is to not be distracted by that which happens in front of you, or is pulling on you or calling to you, but instead to find your center and magnetize to yourself all those things that are in alignment with your inner being. | | PRAYER GROUP The Wayfarers Prayer Group is available to hold you, a friend, or a loved one in affirmative prayer in time of need. If you wish to receive prayerful support, please contact Anne Kirslis at 404.510.2670 or adeeney424@aol.com.
The Board always welcomes and encourages your input. If you have suggestions, questions, or new ideas about opportunities to serve the Chapel or our communities, please contact one of the Board members listed below.
Jennifer Utley, Chair ..................(901) 581-2404 ... jenutley@bellsouth.net Barbara Beckham, Treasurer ... (772) 321-8145 ... apinklady@att.net David Stearns, Secretary.......... (828) 349-7361 ... dspvbfl@gmail.com Sandy Thomas ......................... (407) 786-4364 ... sandralmt@live.com
WEBSITE Wayfarers' website address is www.wayfarersunity.org. Check-in frequently for updated chapel information, calendar of events, to watch videos of Sunday talks, read the newsletter, make an online contribution, check out the schedule of events, and learn about all the opportunities for spiritual growth that are offered. |