Subject: Wayfarers ❤️ Newsletter Mar 3-9, 2025

Wayfarers Newsletter

March 3-9, 2025


As a new addition to the newsletter, we will be shining a light on the beautiful souls who make Wayfarers the wonderful place we know and love. The faces you see each quarter may be familiar, someone you have known for years, or someone whom you have yet to meet. Today, we turn our attention to the Alspaugh's.

Bob & Mereta



Wayfarers for

16 Years

When Bob and Mereta discovered Wayfarers, their home was in San Diego, CA, where they married in 1967, raised their three children, and attended services at a large Unity Church. Each year, they spent time at the family retreat in Clayton, GA, where they grew to love the mountains and small-town vibe. 

In 2008, the Alspaughs discovered Wayfarers Chapel and met our founder, Rosemary Hatfield, and Minister Ron Lindhan.  “There was a special light around Rosemary, and we enjoyed Ron’s talks, so Wayfarers became our spiritual home in Georgia, and for the next ten years, we shuttled between here and California,” explained Mereta. 

In 2018, they left the West Coast to make Clayton home. Bob had retired from a career in aircraft engineering, and Mereta had an early career as a flight attendant and later retired as a Contracting Officer for the Department of Defense. Both were ready for new adventures in our land of dense green forests, beautiful lakes, small, friendly towns, and a little chapel in the woods. Bob shared, “We love the variety of activities here, and the friends we’ve made at Wayfarers have become some of our best. We are so happy to share our time and energy here.” 

In the early years, the couple helped establish the chapel’s Meditation Garden and later were part of the team that created our Labyrinth. Mereta has served on the Wayfarers Board, and they both support the Chapel’s Opelske and hospitality teams.  

Thank you, Bob and Mereta — We Love You !


SUNDAY SERVICE (3/2 @ 10 AM) & Potluck

Sweet Charity starts our morning and then Rev. Dr. Kate Greysen's message "I Have No Idea," invites us to consider "How do we know what is our to do as we fall into the void created by the onslaught of information?"  


Experienced meditation leaders guide us weekly, introducing forms and approaches to support, build, and deepen meditation practice. Sessions are held in the peaceful setting of our Rosemary's Chapel building, are open to the public, and no experience is necessary.

WRITERS GROUP - Tuesdays from 5-6:30 PM

The Wayfarers Writers Group resumes this Tuesday, January 7th! This is a great opportunity to hone your writing skills, get ideas from the works of others, and hear supportive feedback on your own work. Everyone is welcome. Group meets in Rosemary's Chapel.

DRUM CIRCLE - Monday 3/17 from 6-8 PM

Get ready for a whole lot of fun and join us Monday, March 17th from 6-8 PM in the main chapel for another drum circle. Centered around creating and experiencing shared rhythms and all the energy and emotion that goes with it, every circle is unique. If you have a drum, bring it. If not, no worries. We have plenty of drums and percussions instruments to share.

REIKI - Wednesday 3/19 from 4-6 PM

Feeling stressed? Have an ache or pain you'd like to adios? Reiki is the perfect way to relax, let go of your aches and worries, and get your system in to a place where it can heal itself. Experienced practitioners will offer free sessions in the main chapel on Wednesday March 19th from 4-6 PM. Everyone is welcome.


Sam Renken is facilitating a poetry workshop at the Hambidge Center in Rabun Gap on Saturday, March 22nd, from 10 AM to 1 PM. Sam is the Founder of our Writer's Group, which meets on Tuesday evenings. He has read his poetry at the chapel for Sunday services and at the quarterly Writer's Group Reading Room.


Lisa Ezzard led our group drumming and Marie Dunkle shared the message "Am I Being the Person My Dog Thinks I Am?" - a talk ultimately about self love.


 To know that we know what we know, and to know that we do not know what we do not know, that is true knowledge.

― Nicolaus Copernicus



The Wayfarers Prayer Group is available to hold you, a friend, or a loved one in affirmative prayer in time of need. If you wish to receive prayerful support, please contact Anne Kirslis at (404) 510-2670 or


The Board always welcomes and encourages your input. If you have suggestions, questions, or new ideas about opportunities to serve the Chapel or our communities, please contact one of the Board members listed below.

Jennifer Utley, Chair ................. (901) 581-2404 ...

Marie Dunkle, Treasurer ........... (770) 335-0967 ...

Keith Vickers, Secretary............ (404) 229-7302 ...

Charlotte Starfire....................... (813) 833-7776 ...

Anne Hartupee ........................ (636) 575-0795 ...


Wayfarers' website address is Check-in frequently for updated chapel information, calendar of events, to watch videos of Sunday Talks, read the newsletter, make an online contribution, check out the Events Page, and learn about all the opportunities for spiritual growth that are offered.


All submissions for the newsletter and news flashes should be sent both to Ruth Henry and Anne Hartupee


If you have questions, comments, or need assistance with the chapel website or newsletter, please contact Ruth Henry at (901) 218-4234 or


Charlotte Starfire ................. (813) 833-7776 ...

Free-will offerings entirely support Wayfarers Chapel. We are richly blessed by the people in our fellowship who give and are grateful for your gifts. If you would like to contribute financially to support this ministry, please place your love offering in one of the donation baskets at the chapel entrance or mail your check to Estatoah Wayfarers Chapel, PO Box 474, Dillard, GA 30537. To make an electronic contribution, please select the yellow Donate button on our website DONATIONS page. All donations are tax-deductible.

"Divine love thru me

blesses and multiplies all that I have,

all that I give, and all that I receive."