Subject: Wayfarers ❤️ Newsletter June 29-July 5, 2020


June 29-July 5, 2020


Mimi Nash


Kim May returns with her talk:  "It's Summertime! Time to Lighten up, have FUN and shine our Light bright!" A discussion combining the cosmic energy currently affecting us astrologically speaking, an insight by Dr. Holmes/Science of Mind with a dash of Law of Attraction/vibration/frequency principles. We are power creators with enormous support, of course, from GodSource, but also from the powerful Universe we are ALL a part of. 

Music will be provided by Marie Dunkle.

May the weather Angels spread their wings July 5th! 

The videos of the Sunday talks are generally posted on within a few days of recording.



Yoga classes with Tom Tyre continue on the deck Wednesdays at 5pm. Tom offers a gentle version of Yoga that is suitable for beginners as well as those more experienced. Please bring your own yoga mat, blanket, and pillow for class. Please email your RSVP to Tom Tyre at



Wayfarers Prayer Group is available to hold you, a friend, or loved one in affirmative prayer in time of need. If you wish to receive prayerful support, please contact Mimi Nash at 404.754.4997 or All information is treated in strictest confidence.

We invite you to join the Prayer Group at 10 am each day for meditation/prayer.  Wherever you may be, set a reminder to stop for a moment and offer your desires for the healing of the world.



Join us Wednesday at 10am for our weekly Zoom meeting.

First time attendees, CLICK HERE to view and/or download the attached Participant Guide for detailed instructions on how to join the meeting. (Please note, if using iPad you get a mostly black screen, simply touch the screen, select the download arrow at the top right, and then View.)

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 846585462   Password: 124578

You may also copy and paste the following into your web browser address bar:

If you have questions or need assistance working with this new communication technology, please contact Ruth Henry at 901.218.4234.



The Board always welcomes and encourages your input. If you have suggestions, questions, or new ideas about opportunities to serve the Chapel or our communities, please contact one of the Board members listed below.

Marie Dunkle ........ (770) 335-0967 ....

Mereta Alspaugh .. (858) 945-0305 ....

Anne Kirslis .......... (404) 510-2670 ....

Ruth Henry ........... (901) 218-4234 ....

Chris Casses ........ (828) 200-4543 ....



Wayfarers website address is

Check in frequently for updated chapel information, to watch videos of Sunday talks, read the newsletter, make an online contribution, check out the schedule of events, and learn about all the opportunities for spiritual growth that are offered.



It is hard for me to believe that this crazy year we call 2020 is practically half over. Our lives have been in such upheaval that many of us have spent the better part of this year sequestered within our own four walls in an attempt to halt the spread of COVID-19 as it engulfed us like creatures caught in a wildfire with no escape route. Thus, we've isolated; and when we did venture out for basic necessities, we were unrecognizable - masks covered our faces - and if our hands were not gloved, then the hand sanitizer bottle was ever our companion. We've social distanced honoring a six foot invisible barrier between us and another masked individual wanting only to collect what supplies they required, and scurried back to the safety of their self-inflicted prison.

I admit that I've grown weary of this lifestyle, but am not willing to take the mask off or resist buying another container of hand sanitizer. I don't want to run the risk - no matter how small - of inadvertently transmitting a virus that I don't even know I have to someone else. However, there seems to be a very large percentage of the population that refuses to follow any safety guidelines. I can relate to both sides of this two-headed coin.

This morning I did as I always do: I took my little dog out for his morning routine which is mainly composed of sniffing every blade of grass, every leaf, every rock; and he can't move on until he has matched that scent with one of the several thousand stored in his olfactory memory bank. So, I've incorporated a new practice into our falsely named "walk." While he is sorting through the scent files, I find something in nature close to me and I put my attention fully on that solitary expression of nature. Sometimes I tilt my head back so that the only thing in my sight lines is the tops of the tress. If I am lucky, the sky at that early morning hour will be free of clouds and that glorious blue that only the sky can produce (the blue all the paint companies with they could duplicate) will form the backdrop for the green of the tree tops.

I resist the urge to label any object I choose to be with - totally with, no distraction. This morning it was a single bee. The hostas have some blooms breaking out, and the insect I watched was totally involved with that single flower he'd chosen. I just watched with no mental commentary. I was completely with that little creature. Other mornings I've zeroed in on a small line of ants marching along on the earth. I've watched earthworms that have surfaced usually following a rain. The benefit to me in this time with the natural world is that for that blessed space, even if it is only a few moments, I am completely unaware of the negative chatter that goes on constantly in my head. It is an accessing of that deep soul level peace. Like a meditation, my mind begins to still.

I've added an evening nature "meditation" now that the lightening bugs (or fireflies, if you prefer) are appearing. They are marvelous to connect with. I like to latch on to one as it comes up out of the grass and flies higher and higher taking me with it to the tree tops. And lest I forget, the sight of a vulture or several vultures seeking out just the right wind current and hopping aboard to ride that current to unbelievable heights lifts my heart right up to that height with them. Can you imagine the thrill of that ride?

Connecting with nature has been a lifeline for me many a time, but especially during this crisis (or need I say "these" crises?). It becomes an affirmation that in spite of what we "silly humans" do, the rest of creation continues undisturbed ... flowers continue to bloom, rain still falls, the sun continues to warm and share its life force with us every day, the stars show up in our night sky. There is much comfort in this knowledge, and that is where I have found solace.

I'm wondering as June fades away, what the second half of 2020 holds for us. Perhaps it is best if we don't know the answer to that. But whatever comes my way, I ask my higher power to guide me with strength and courage and, yeah, it would be okay if a little hope were added to the mix.



Wayfarers Unity Chapel is entirely supported by free-will offerings. We are richly blessed by the people in our fellowship who give, and we are grateful for your gifts. If you would like to contribute financially to support this ministry, please place your love offering in one of the donation baskets at the Chapel entrance.

If you prefer to make your donation electronically, please visit the DONATIONS page and select the yellow "Donate" button.

Tax deductible donations may also be mailed to Wayfarers Unity Chapel, PO Box 474, Dillard, GA 30537. There are self addressed envelopes at the Donation Center which may be used to mail your gift.

“Divine love thru me

blesses and multiplies all that I have,

all that I give, and all that I receive.”