SUNDAY MORNING SERVICE ― JULY 3rd @ 10 AM This Sunday we are delighted to once again enjoy the music of Ruth Henry, meditation by Rev. Mark Stein, and a wonderful message on "Spiritual Freedom" from Rev. Dr. Randy Doster. POT LUCK ― THIS SUNDAY AFTER SERVICE Grab your favorite dish and join us on the deck for our 1st Sunday Potluck Dinner immediately following service this Sunday. Please mark your dish with ingredients so those who have food sensitivities can make good choices.
UPDATE FROM THE BOARD REGARDING ROSEMARY'S CHAPEL Work inside Rosemary's chapel has begun! Plans are to have a chapel-wide event on August 7th after the Potluck. Anyone able and willing is invited to join the party and help empty Rosemary's chapel of the furniture, extra chairs, books, etc. At that time the larger items will be auctioned off in a silent auction with all proceeds going directly to the building fund to be used specifically for Rosemary's chapel renovations. Any remaining items will be donated to charity. Pictures of the items will be posted in the main chapel and the furniture is currently visible in Rosemary's chapel if you want to check them out. You may bid in the auction by proxy if you cannot be present that day. (You may see any board member if you need help to bid.) We are blessed with hundreds of books. The books have been placed on tables and in boxes on the main level for review. Please peruse the books and if you find any that you would like to remain in Rosemary's chapel please place them on the bookshelf which has been marked for books to keep. If you have donated something to the chapel in the past and would like to have it back, please reclaim your item in the next 3 weeks (prior to August 7th.)
The board is in process of getting quotes for structural upgrades to Rosemary's chapel. We will keep you informed as things are moving along. We appreciate everyone's support as we continue to enhance our little chapel in the woods. Lisa & Filmer Kilby shared their fabulous music with us and Kim May shared her insights and upbeat energy in her talk "Summer is upon us, let’s choose to align with the frequency of Source!” Kim's talk on will be available online in a few days. |