Wayfarers Chapel Newsletter |
Here's a Quick Summary for this Week's Events MONDAY July 31 - DRUM CIRCLE - (7-9 PM) TUESDAY - August 1 - WRITERS GROUP (5-6:30 PM) THURSDAY August 3 - YOGA (10 AM) SATURDAY August 5 - BOARD MEETING (10 AM) SUNDAY - August 6 - SERVICE & POTLUCK (10 AM) SUNDAY August 6 - MOUNTAIN MUSE CONCERT (2-4 PM) |
SUNDAY August 6 (2-4 PM) Grab your favorite portable chair and beverage and join us on the deck for a great "all Beatles" concert by Mountain Muse (Dave Stewart, Katharine Brown, and Marie Dunkle with special guests Mario Renes on bass and Steve Einbender on drums.)
You are sure to be singing and dancing to this "all Beatles" set. The concert is FREE. Donations to support the musicians appreciated.
Please note the parts of the deck are sunny so you may also want a hat or sunglasses. |
MONDAY July 31 - Drum Circle - (7-9 PM) No experience required - just an open heart ready for a little adventure! Bring your drum if you have one ... or use one of our drums or other percussion instruments. It's all good. And ALL FUN! |
MONDAY July 31 - Drum Circle - (7-9 PM) No experience required - just an open heart ready for a little adventure! Bring your drum if you have one or use one of ours.
TUESDAY - August 1 - WRITERS GROUP (5-6:30 PM) The writers group, facilitated by Sam Renken, continues inspiring writers and giving voice to their creations.
THURSDAY August 3 - YOGA (10 AM) Gentle yoga on the deck with Dana Thiele is sure to help you stretch and relax.
SATURDAY August 5 - BOARD MEETING (10 AM) Interested in how the chapel is run? In what is new on the horizon? The next meeting of the Board of Directors is Saturday 8/5 at 10 AM in the chapel. All wayfarers are welcome to attend and observe board meetings. If you have new business you would like the board to address at this meeting, please contact Board Chair Jennifer Utley by Thursday 8/3.
SUNDAY - August 6 - SERVICE & POTLUCK - 10 AM This Sunday, Ruth Henry starts the service with music and Jennifer Utley will facilitate our discussion on Spiritual Community.
SUNDAY August 6 - MOUNTAIN MUSE in Concert on the Deck Mountain Muse features Dave Stewart, Katharine Brown, and Marie Dunkle with special guests Mario Renes on bass and Steve Einbender on drums. You are sure to be singing and dancing to this "all Beatles" set. |
SUNDAY July 30th - FOUNDERS CELEBRATION and REDEDICATION of ROSEMARY'S CHAPEL It was a wonderfully FULL HOUSE with 65 in attendance! In addition to the "regulars", it was great to visit with many folks who were part of the chapel in the early days. |
After announcements and meditation, we enjoyed great old time music by Lisa and Filmer Kilby. |
Then, as Joyce Oliver gave us a brief history of the chapel. As she talked we passed the basket that held most of the names (as many as we could remember!) of Wayfarers past and present so that in the coming week we could think of, thank, and honor/pray for them. |
To close the program, we moved to RoseMary's Chapel where we circled through and around the chapel for blessing through song. |
As we filled our plates with wonderful food, we had the opportunity to watch the slideshow chronicling the first few decades of Wayfarers history. Then it was back to the main chapel deck for sharing laughs, love, and stories as we ate together on the deck. |
Thank you to all who have helped create this wonderful loving space. And Special Thanks to the wonderful team that made this celebration such a success: Bob, Mereta, Linda, Anitta, Cindy, and Joyce. |
FRIDAY - August 4 - 10 AM OK, take 2! Hopefully all will be successful this time!
The chapel website will change web address starting at 10AM Friday, August 4th. The conversion will take 4-8 hours and the website will be down during this time. Please update your personal memory bank or address book with the new address.
Old: www.wayfarersunity.org New: www.wayfarerschapelga.org
Once the change is complete, everything will LOOK and WORK the same. This is only an address change.
If you have questions about this change, please contact Ruth Henry at (901) 218-4234. |
SUNDAY August 13 - Death Cafe (2-4 PM) Death Cafe is a group-directed discussion of death with no agenda, objectives, or themes - and no intent to lead participants to any particular conclusion, product, or course of action. Come and enjoy tea and cake (a nod to Death Cafe's British origins) and talk openly and confidentially about all things death related.
The session is facilitated by Jan Brewer, M.A., CMT. For further information please contact Jan at (510) 684-5555 and/or visit www.deathcafe.com. |
SATURDAY, September 16, 2023 (12-4 PM) For several years now, Rev. Dr. Randy Doster and Rev. Mark Stein - regular speakers at Wayfarers - have sponsored an annual picnic as a means for folks from the various metaphysical communities in the area to get to together and share with food and fun.
This year's Metaphysical Picnic will be held Saturday, September 16th from 12-4 PM at Western Carolina University Picnic Pavilion (201 Poplar Ave, Sylva, NC). See PICNIC FLYER for details of event and volunteer opportunities. |
Our seemingly separate lives how truly necessary we are |