| | OPELSKE - This Saturday - 7/31 Do you enjoy the beauty of the trees and plants at the chapel? We have a wonderful team that helps keep things neat and tidy, but they could sure use a little extra help these days. Come join the Opelske team to "love up" the grounds this Saturday 7/31 from 10-Noon. If you have questions or would like to be notified of any date/time change due to weather, please call Joyce Oliver at (828) 200-9160 or Sandy Thomas at (407) 786-4364. | ACOUSTIC EIDOLON - TICKETS ON SALE NOW YES! The wonderful duo Acoustic Eidolon returns to Wayfarers Saturday, September 11 at 7 PM. Tickets are $25 and are available NOW! This concert always sells out so tell your friends, mark your calendar, and get your tickets early by contacting Ruth Henry at 901.218.4234 or qilautheartsong@gmail.com. | | THIS SUNDAY - August 1st Norman Olsen brings his fabulous piano style to us this Sunday. Always a treat!
Guest Speaker: Donna Corso John Muir earned the nickname "Father of our National Parks". George Washington is often called the "Father of our country," Both men had a dream and a vision for our country. America has a destiny and it is our opportunity and our responsibility to use our God-given power to help manifest it. This Sunday, Donna shares her insights and inspiration in her talk "America's Destiny." REMINDERS: When arriving at the Sunday Service, please use the hand sanitizer located at the front door and take a mask if you would like one for the service. Masks are optional and seat spacing between all singles and doubles is 3 feet. To ensure seating for all, we ask that parties of one choose an available single seat unless they are all taken. If you would feel more comfortable with 6' spacing, click here to provide name and seat count for reserved 6' seating. | LAST SUNDAY (7/25) AT THE CHAPEL The amazing Dave Stewart brought his banjo and delighted us with great tunes and great humor.
Marie Dunkle enlightened with both the history and the wonder and value of music in her talk "You Are the Music - Lessons in Being Human, From the Origins and Heart of Music" and then led our meditation with her quartz singing bowls.
Marie's talk, will be available online soon at Sunday Talks. | | Later in the afternoon, we enjoyed a fabulous concert on the deck with "Rainbow's End." Thanks Dave, Kate, and Marie for your enthusiasm and your wonderful music! | | DEATH CAFE - Sunday 8/8 at 2 PM Death Cafe is a global movement started in the UK whose only objective is "to increase awareness of death with a view to helping people make the most of their finite lives."
Join Jan Brewer, M.A., CMT, for a group-directed conversation where you can share your fears, tears, laughter, curiosity, creativity, and stories related to death and dying / life and living. For further information, please contact Jan at (510) 684-5555 or visit www.deathcafe.com. | WORKSHOP OPPORTUNITY One of our beloved speakers, Rev. Dr. Kate Greysen - a Science of Mind minister & certified firewalk instructor - is offering a six-hour skill-building workshop to help you transform your fear and create the life you deserve. The workshop is designed to break down barriers in communication, identify blocks to receiving, overcome fears, and create practices in trusting your intuition.
The workshop will be held 9 AM - 4 PM Saturday, August 4th, at the Creative Thought Center in Waynesville, NC.
Attendance is limited to 10 so make your reservations early! Use this link to check the flyer or you can connect directly with Kate at 775.354.6091. | PRAYER GROUP The Wayfarers Prayer Group is available to hold you, a friend, or a loved one in affirmative prayer in time of need. If you wish to receive prayerful support, please contact Anne Krislis at (404) 510-2670 or adeeney424@aol.com | | | THOUGHT FOR THE WEEK “After silence, that which comes nearest to expressing the inexpressible is music.” “Life seems to go on without effort when I am filled with music.” | | Wayfarers Unity Chapel is entirely supported by free-will offerings. We are richly blessed by the people in our fellowship who give, and we are grateful for your gifts.
If you would like to contribute financially to support this ministry, please place your love offering in one of the donation baskets at the Chapel entrance or mail your check to Wayfarers Unity Chapel, PO Box 474, Dillard, GA 30537. You may also make a contribution electronically by visiting www.wayfarersunity.org DONATIONS page and selecting the yellow "Donate" button". All donations are tax-deductible. blesses and multiplies all that I have, all that I give, and all that I receive." | | | | |