| Wayfarers Chapel Newsletter | REDEDICATION OF ROSEMARY'S CHAPEL -- with Luncheon Following Service -- | Looks like we are going to have a for the celebration and rededication
PARKING Parking at the Chapel will likely be full, so please plan on car pooling or be prepared to park in the area at the end of the road. There will be folks to help guide you to an available space (and maybe even give you a lift back to the chapel, if needed).
LUNCHEON If you plan on attending luncheon and have not already signed up, please contact Mereta Alspaugh ASAP at (858) 945-0305!
CELEBRATION The July 30th service (at our usual 10 am time) will feature music by Lisa and Filmer Kilby and be hosted by Joyce Oliver. It will be followed by a lovely free catered meal on the deck suitable for meat lovers and vegetarians alike.
This is a wonderful opportunity to 'Energize' the original dream of a beautiful place to gather to expand our hearts, bodies, and minds. The newly renovated space is already welcoming classes as well as offering us a fabulous place to meditate prior to Sunday services.
We look forward to visiting with some of our original Wayfarers and imagine RoseMary, Ron, and Denton will be celebrating with us in Spirit! We are all blessed to be beneficiaries of their love & dedication to RoseMary's dream. We hope to see you there! | | SUNDAY PRAYER DISCUSSION FOLLOWUP | This past Sunday, after wonderful music by and singing with Margie Swint, we enjoyed a lively discussion about prayer facilitated by Ruth Henry.
In the discussion we examined prayer - what it is, it's various forms and functions, why we do it, and what it means us individually. General group consensus is that prayer is words, thoughts, actions, and/or state of being intended to intentionally connect with the divine. With this in mind, we were each invited to do one of two things this week to focus on and expand the power of prayer (intentional connection to the divine) in our lives. The two invitations were: Pick a specific time (or times) each day, and intentionally, actively pray at the specified time(s) Pick a specific activity of daily life and turn it into prayer.
So, did you pick yet? Yes? Great! If not, maybe now is a good time to make that choice. Please use the following link to let us know which option you chose:
The video of the discussion will be available online by Thursday morning (6/27). | | | | TUESDAY July 25 - WRITERS GROUP (5-6:30 PM) The writers group, facilitated by Sam Renken, continues inspiring writers and giving voice to their creations.
THURSDAY July 27 - YOGA Gentle yoga on the deck with Dana Thiele is sure to help you stretch and relax.
SATURDAY July 29 - OPELSKE Join the Opelske team in "loving up" the chapel grounds this coming Saturday. Group generally meets from 9-12. For more details, contact Joyce Oliver at (828) 200-9160 or Sandy Thomas (407) 786-4364.
SUNDAY July 30 - SERVICE & LUNCHEON - 10 AM Music by Lisa and Filmer Kilby. Celebration led by Joyce Oliver. Luncheon on deck immediately following celebration service. | | FRIDAY-SATURDAY (July 28-29) OK, time to update your brain, phone book, phone's contacts - whatever system you use for keeping up with web addresses because the chapel website is changing addresses!
Old: www.wayfarersunity.org New: www.wayfarerschapelga.org
The change is scheduled for Friday midnight, so the website will likely be unavailable between midnight Friday and 6 AM Saturday. Once the change is complete, everything will LOOK and WORK the same. This is only an address change.
If you have questions about this change, please contact Ruth Henry at (901) 218-4234. | | MONDAY July 31 - Drum Circle - (7-9 PM) No experience required - just an open heart ready for a little adventure! Bring your drum if you have one or use one of ours.
SUNDAY August 6 - MOUNTAIN MUSE in Concert on the Deck Mountain Muse features Dave Stewart, Katharine Brown, and Marie Dunkle with special guests Mario Renes on bass and Steve Einbender on drums. You are sure to be singing and dancing to this "all Beatles" set.
SUNDAY August 13 - Death Cafe Death Cafe is a group-directed discussion of death with no agenda, objectives, or themes - and no intent to lead participants to any particular conclusion, product, or course of action. Come and enjoy tea and cake (a nod to Death Cafe's British origins) and talk openly and confidentially about all things death related.
The session is facilitated by Jan Brewer, M.A., CMT. For further information please contact Jan at (510) 684-5555 and/or visit www.deathcafe.com. | | SATURDAY, September 16, 2023 (12-4 PM) For several years now, Rev. Dr. Randy Doster and Rev. Mark Stein - regular speakers at Wayfarers - have sponsored an annual picnic as a means for folks from the various metaphysical communities in the area to get to together and share with food and fun.
This year's Metaphysical Picnic will be held Saturday, September 16th from 12-4 PM at Western Carolina University Picnic Pavilion (201 Poplar Ave, Sylva, NC). See PICNIC FLYER for details of event and volunteer opportunities. | | | | “Souls never die, but always on quitting one abode pass to another. All things change, nothing perishes. The soul passes hither and thither, occupying now this body, now that . . . As a wax is stamped with certain figures, then melted, then stamped anew with others, yet it is always the same wax. So, the Soul being always the same, yet wears at different times different forms.”