Subject: Wayfarers ❤️ Newsletter July 15-21, 2024

Wayfarers Newsletter

July 15-21, 2024


Experienced practitioners will offer Reiki sessions at the chapel on Wednesday July 17th from 4-6 PM. These 10-20 minute relaxing, rejuvenating sessions help calm your system and allow body, soul, and mind to step into the healing power available to us all. Sessions are free. Donations to support the chapel may be placed in the baskets near the door.


The Hospitality Team ensures that we have drinks and treats every Sunday after service and keeps tabs on our supplies so we always have cups, napkins, knives and forks, etc. for Potluck Dinners (1st Sunday) and post-service refreshments.

The team is doing a great job, but could really use a little assistance. If you are interested, please contact Brenda Smith (706.429.5393) or Sandy Thomas (407.786.4364).


Ever find yourself listening to the message on Sunday and wishing you could hear that again? Or maybe you missed a Sunday and really want to hear that speaker or musician? Well, you can! Our services are recorded and the messages and music (except for copyrighted materials) are posted on our website.

The services are typically posted within 7 days. Our video service provider limits how much we can add per week, so when we get behind (like now) due to technical issues, travel, and/or illness, it takes a few weeks to catch up. However, we should be back on track soon. All talks should be online by the end of next week. Postable music will be added as space is available.

Rev. Dr. Kate Greysen's message "The Twilight Zone of Faith" is now available online along with recent talks by Dr. Maggie Renken and Rev. Mark Stein.

Kim May's most recent talk will be available next week.



Meditation is part of our weekly Sunday service and a daily practice for many Wayfarers. Whether one’s intent is to relax and lower stress or deepen understanding of the sacred and mystical forces of life, meditation can help. 

Wayfarers is gathering a team of very experienced meditators to take turns guiding a new weekly meditation session and sharing approaches or techniques found to be helpful with those new to the practice or looking for support. The day/time for this weekly session will be determined based on team input.

If being part of the Meditation Leadership Team interests you, please contact board members Marie Dunkle or Maggie Renken for more information.


WRITERS GROUP - Tuesday, July 16th ( 5-6:30 PM )

The Wayfarers Writers Group meets from 5-6:30 PM every Tuesday. The group is open to writers of all ages, experience levels, and genres and is a great opportunity to challenge yourself to a new level.

REIKI - Wedneday, July 17th (4-6 PM)

Experienced practitioners will offer Reiki sessions at the chapel on Wednesday July 17th from 4-6 PM. These 10-20 minute relaxing, rejuvenating sessions help calm your system and allow body, soul, and mind to step into the healing power available to us all. Sessions are free. Donations to support the chapel may be placed in the baskets near the door.

SUNDAY SERVICE - July 21st (10 AM)

This week is music by Crowe Capps and Dee Daley's message "Live the Greatest Number of Good Hours".

DRUM CIRCLE - Sunday, July 28th (6-8 PM)

Mark your calendars and join us at the chapel Sunday the 28th for another fun, energizing drum circle. No experience required - just a desire for an adventure! No drum? No problem. Extra drums and percussion instruments are available for use during the circle.


This past Sunday we were treated to the music of Elena Goodrow and Rev. Dr. Kate Greysen's message The Twilight Zone of Faith. Kate's message is available online and Elena's original music will be available soon.


The bad news is time flies.

The good news is you’re the pilot.

— Michael Altshuler



The Wayfarers Prayer Group is available to hold you, a friend, or a loved one in affirmative prayer in time of need. If you wish to receive prayerful support, please contact Anne Kirslis at (404) 510-2670 or


The Board always welcomes and encourages your input. If you have suggestions, questions, or new ideas about opportunities to serve the Chapel or our communities, please contact one of the Board members listed below.

Jennifer Utley, Chair ................. (901) 581-2404 ...

Marie Dunkle, Treasurer ........... (770) 335-0967 ...

Keith Vickers, Secretary............ (404) 229-7302 ...

Maggie Renken ........................ (803) 983-4856 ...


Wayfarers' website address is Check-in frequently for updated chapel information, calendar of events, to watch videos of Sunday Talks, read the newsletter, make an online contribution, check out the Events Page, and learn about all the opportunities for spiritual growth that are offered.


All submissions for the newsletter and news flashes should be sent both Ruth Henry and Anne Hartupee


If you have questions, comments, or need assistance with the chapel website or newsletter, please contact Ruth Henry at (901) 218-4234 or

Wayfarers Chapel is entirely supported by free-will offerings. We are richly blessed by the people in our fellowship who give, and we are grateful for your gifts.

If you would like to contribute financially to support this ministry, please place your love offering in one of the donation baskets at the chapel entrance or mail your check to Estatoah Wayfarers Chapel, PO Box 474, Dillard, GA 30537. To make an electronic contribution, please select the yellow Donate button on our website DONATIONS page. All donations are tax-deductible.

"Divine love thru me

blesses and multiplies all that I have,

all that I give, and all that I receive."