WEDNESDAY July 19 - REIKI - (4-6 PM)
Are you or someone you know in need of a little peace? A bit of relaxation? Healing of the spirit or body? Come join our trained and dedicated practitioners for a gentle 10-20 minute REIKI session. Sessions are free. Donations to support the chapel are welcome.
SUNDAY July 30 - 10 AM
Attention all Wayfarers! You are invited to join in the July 30th Founders Day Celebration & Re-Dedication of Rosemary's Chapel.
We want to 'Energize' the original dream of a beautiful place to gather to expand our hearts, bodies, and minds. The newly renovated space is already welcoming classes as well as offering us a fabulous place to meditate prior to Sunday services.
We look forward to visiting with some of our original Wayfarers and imagine Rosemary, Ron, and Denton will be celebrating with us in Spirit! We are all blessed to be beneficiaries of their love & dedication to Rosemary's dream. We hope to see you there!
The July 30th service (at our usual 10 am time) will be followed by a lovely catered meal on the deck so please use the link below to let us know you are coming (and who is coming with you) so we have enough food for everyone!
MONDAY July 31 - Drum Circle - (7-9 PM)
No experience required - just an open heart ready for a little adventure! Bring your drum if you have one or use one of ours.
SUNDAY August 6 - MOUNTAIN MUSE in Concert on the Deck
Mountain Muse features Dave Stewart, Katharine Brown, and Marie Dunkle with special guests Mario Renes on bass and Steve Einbender on drums. You are sure to be singing and dancing to this "all Beatles" set.