Subject: Wayfarers ❤️ Newsletter February 22-28, 2021


Feb 22-28, 2021


Crowe Capps shared his mesmerizing music. Garnett Nash shared an overview of one of his favorite meditations - the Contemplating Image Meditation - in which one looks at an object without assigning meaning or interpretation - simply gazing at the object as a window to the unseen God. Then, with frankness and humor, Garnett shared his many lessons learned in 2020 - lessons that ultimately speak to all of us.

Crowe's music and Garnett's talk "My Lessons Learned from 2020" will be available online by Monday evening at Sunday Talks.


In her talk "Green Bean Currency", Brenda Smith will share stories of self-esteem and self-worth from her youth on the cotton farm. Chris Casses will be our musician.

Remember, fans are ON and doors are OPEN, so dress accordingly. (Maybe even bring a warm blanket in case you are near one of the doors.)

Please enter thru the front door and exit thru deck doors and leave chairs exactly where they are. If you were confirmed for a double and don't see one, please check with one of the board members.

Please continue to observe 6' spacing and the wearing of face masks. Hand sanitizer and masks are available at the front door.



This wonderful organization provides FREE clothing to those in need. They are located in the FoodBank shopping center in Clayton and currently open 11am to 1pm M-W-F. They are hoping to soon be open on Saturdays to better serve our community. You can help support this charity and the people of our community by donating clothing, volunteering to work one or more shifts at the center, or making a tax-deductible donation to help keep the lights and heat on.

To donate clothing, simply drop the clothing (including purses, belts, shoes, etc) off at the Clothes Closet during their normal hours of operation. To volunteer at the center or find out more about the organization, please contact Karen Carroll at (813) 255-1088. If Karen is not immediately available please be sure to leave a message with your name and number! To make a monetary tax-deductible donation, please send check to First Impressions c/o Bethel & Co., PO Box 1056, Clayton, GA 30525.


The Wayfarers Prayer Group is available to hold you, a friend, or a loved one in affirmative prayer in time of need. If you wish to receive prayerful support, please contact Anne Krislis at (404) 510-2670 or


The Wayfarers Board of Directors will meet at 11 am Thursday 2/25 at the Chapel. All Wayfarers are welcome to attend and observe. If you have comments or matters you wish the Board to consider during this meeting, please contact Ruth Henry at (901) 218-4234 no later than Tuesday evening 2/23.


David Stearns (Sec.), Sandy Thomas, Joyce Oliver, Ruth Henry (Chair) & Barbara Beckham (Treas.)

The Board always welcomes and encourages your input. If you have suggestions, questions, or new ideas about opportunities to serve the Chapel or our communities, please contact one of the Board members listed below.

Ruth Henry ............. (901) 218-4234 ...

Barbara Beckham ... (772) 321-8145 ...

David Stearns ......... (828) 349-7361 ...

Sandy Thomas ....... (407) 786-4364 ...

Joyce Oliver ............ (828) 200-9160 ...


Wayfarers website address is Check-in frequently for updated chapel information, to watch videos of Sunday talks, read the newsletter, make an online contribution, check out the schedule of events, and learn about all the opportunities for spiritual growth that are offered.



Power without love is reckless and abusive, and love without power is sentimental and anemic. Power at its best is love implementing the demands of justice, and justice at its best is power correcting everything that stands against love.

 – Martin Luther King, Jr

Wayfarers Unity Chapel is entirely supported by free-will offerings. We are richly blessed by the people in our fellowship who give, and we are grateful for your gifts.

If you would like to contribute financially to support this ministry, please place your love offering in one of the donation baskets at the Chapel entrance or mail your check to Wayfarers Unity Chapel, PO Box 474, Dillard, GA 30537. You may also make a contribution electronically by visiting DONATIONS page and selecting the yellow "Donate" button". All donations are tax-deductible.

"Divine love thru me

blesses and multiplies all that I have,

all that I give, and all that I receive."