POT LUCK ― May 1st - Immediately Following Service Bring your favorite dish and your appetite for food and fellowship as we resume one of our beloved traditions: 1st Sunday Potluck. Bring your favorite dish and your appetite for food and fellowship and we'll see you there!
SADHANA ― May 15th @ 3 PM Sadhana (Sanskrit for "spiritual practice") is Back! Wayfarers Unity Chapel is excited to announce that Tom Tyre will be leading Sadhana gatherings each 3rd Sunday of the month starting in May.
"This is a group for people who love to sing, or used to love to sing, or think that they might love to sing. We sing as a tonic for well-being ― as a spiritual practice. And it does, indeed, lift the spirits. Come bask in the joy of it. There are no auditions and no singing experience is needed. This is not a spectator sport, so if you come please be willing to sing ― or at least move your lips until you have the courage to sing! We haven't met since our last gathering at Wayfarers on Groundhog Day, 2020, and I'm elated that we can finally meet again. Please join us on Sunday, May 15th, at 3 PM in the chapel." ― Tom Tyre
REIKI ― May 18th Another REIKI session is scheduled for MAY 18th. Be sure to invite friends and family who could benefit from these short relaxing, healing sessions.
CONCERT ON THE DECK ― May 22nd @ 2 PM Our first concert of the season is May 22nd at 2 PM. The quartet "Sweet Charity" will be playing good 'ole rock 'n roll tunes. Mark your calendars, tell your friends, and we'll see you there! |