Subject: Why You Should Join Watkins RIGHT NOW!


Here's Why You Should Join Watkins RIGHT NOW:

The cost to join Watkins has been lowered to $19.95.

However, this month it's even better!

Join before the end of this month and you will receive a $20 Gift Certificate! So it's like getting your membership for FREE!

(You're actually making 5 cents on the deal if you want to get technical :-)

You can use the gift certificate any way you want . . . buy products with it, give it as a gift, or even sell it if you want. It's yours.

Join RIGHT NOW to get the most benefit from this special incentive. If you join RIGHT NOW, you can show others this great offer. If they join with you as their sponsor, they will be in YOUR group and you will become eligible to earn bonuses on every Watkins product they ever buy.

Even if you're only interested in buying Watkins products for yourself, this makes sense because not only will you qualify for free shipping on all orders over $100, discounts and rebates, you'll be eligible to receive additional rebates based on the purchases of the people who join your group.

If you're interested in building a lucrative Watkins Home business, this can JUMP START your business and get you into momentum immediately.


If you're a BIG THINKER, set your sights on this . . .

This is the Playa Mita Resort on the Mexican Riviera and located right on the Pacific ocean.

Every year, Watkins has a year long contest where you can qualify for an all-expenses-paid trip to exotic locations all over the world. In April, 2016 it will be to the Playa Mita Resort, an all-inclusive resort that is practically brand new. As an all-inclusive resort, just about everything . . . food, drinks, everything . . . is included. You could go to this resort, have the time of your life, and not pay one red cent!

Have you ever gone an all-expenses-paid luxury trip? It's like nothing you've ever experienced before.

And here's more good news . . .

You can go! This year Watkins made the qualifications for the trip the lowest they have ever had. And right now is the perfect time to get started meeting the qualifications. The qualification period ends December 31st so there is plenty of time left to qualify.

Of course, it will take some work . . . but it will be worth it!

If you're serious and you can think big enough, I and our team will help you every step of the way.

But you must get started RIGHT NOW!

Go to:

Get Started

If you have any particular questions that you would like answered, give me a call or send an email.

I look forward to working with you,

Peter Regan

My Web Page