Subject: The Perfect Combination

Hi Friend,

In my over 20 years in the network marketing industry, I've always been on the lookout for anything that could help me build my business.

That's how I became familiar with Ann Sieg a number of years ago when I purchased her cd series about network marketing. It was valuable information that helped me build my business. I listened to it many times and recommended it to members of my group.

About 10 years ago, I started using eBay to build my MLM business and have been an eBay Powerseller for over 5 years.

What I was doing worked well for me but it had its limitations.

So when Ann Sieg contacted me about DS Domination, a company that combined eBay with network marketing, it came at a very opportune time and I jumped on it!

Joining DS Domination was an eye-opening experience! In all my years as an eBay Powerseller, I had never heard of the methods that DS Domination was teaching. I immediately started implementing them and started making more money than I had ever before on eBay. The ongoing training leaves no stone unturned. Many people are using these methods alone to make full-time incomes.

Then I studied the system that Ann Sieg put together to help her team build their DS Domination businesses.

All I can is that I am in AWE at what Ann Sieg has done! She has built a support organization that is second to none. Her training and support systems are just awesome! She not only trains you every step of the way, but she has all the tools you need available for you to use immediately.

Ann is on a mission to empower 1000 people to create a $10,000.00/month income from home. You can be one of them!

I feel fortunate that I was able to join with the unbeatable combination of DS Domination and Ann Sieg.

I believe you will too.

If you're friendly and have a goal in mind, I'd love to work with you.

In fact, like I said above, there's a team of people behind me that devote every day of their lives to helping good people like you succeed with this incredible opportunity.

Whether you have a lot of experience or none at all… a lot of time to invest or just a little… it's all good!

Our company, our team, and our proven system work with what you've got - and help you bring about the results you're looking for.

Go here to see how the combination of DS Domination and Ann Sieg works:


If you have any questions, contact me!

If you have any concerns, let me know!

If you're ready to go, I'm right there with you!
