Subject: Take a Watkins Test Drive

Have you ever thought about starting your own home-based business?

Consider the Watkins Home Based Business Opportunity

You're already doing what it takes . . . why not get paid for it?

Join now and get a $50 Bonus!


My name is Peter Regan.

I've been an Independent Associate for Watkins, a network marketing company, since 1990 . . . over 20 years!

You may already know that Watkins has great high-quality, eco-friendly natural products, but did you know that Watkins also has a top-rated home-based business opportunity and wholesale buying program?

Over the years, I've made a very nice income with Watkins even in the times when I took off from working my business, and have been rewarded with a number of all-expenses-paid trips to exotic locations all over the world. You could say that this business has been very, very good to me! In fact, for the past few years I've been practically semi-retired from the business, living comfortably on the residual income that I have built up over the years.


You see, because of the current economic conditions, more and more people are realizing that Watkins could be the economic solution that they have been searching for. This recent development is literally

And you can take advantage of it too!

I'm so excited about these new developments that I can hardly contain myself!

I'm on a mission to tell as many people as I can about it because I truly believe that ANYONE CAN DO WHAT I AM DOING . . . AND CAN TAKE ADVANTAGE OF THESE CURRENT ECONOMIC CONDITIONS . . . RIGHT NOW . . . just like I am doing!.

Here's how:

I'm inviting you to take a ONE YEAR TEST DRIVE with Watkins.

The regular price of a one year membership is $39.95.

Join with me within the next 7 days and I'll send you a $50 Watkins Gift Certificate!

That will more than pay your membership for you!

But that's just the beginning! I am also offering to mentor you . . . not for just one year . . . but for your entire career as a Watkins Associate. I will teach you everything I've learned over the 20+ years I've spent with Watkins . . . I'll teach you what works and what doesn't work . . . you won't have to waste time and money on trial and error . . . PLUS . . . I'll teach you everything I know about the NEW WAYS to build a lucrative Watkins business . . . PLUS . . . I'll support you like noone ever has before . . . in any business! You'll have a full year to learn, understand, and apply what I am going to teach you.

You can build your own lucrative Watkins business or just buy your own Watkins prices at wholesale prices . . . it's YOUR choice!

I'm not going to go into a lot of details here other than to say that this could finally be your chance to hit it big in a home business of your own. And I am going to offer you an incentive to join right now:


Join with me now and not only will get a full year's membership as a Watkins Associate for just $39.95,


I will also send you a $50.00 Watkins Products Gift Certificate for FREE!

You can't lose!

The only thing I ask is that you keep an open mind, give the materials a good, serious look, apply what you are taught, and promise to stay in contact with me so I can help you build your own lucrative Watkins Home-Based Business.

I'm not going to fill your head with a lot of hype here. But, if you're looking for a good solid home-based business opportunity with a "Sky's-the-limit" upside potential, you'll never find a better value.

So why am I doing this? Look, I've been where you are now. You're looking for an opportunity but how can you tell the real ones from the rip-offs and scams? It's even more confusing now with the constant bombardment from the internet.


You can't lose because I'm PAYING YOU to join! It's like taking a 12 month test drive where you will get to take a real deep look into Watkins, the products, the opportunity, and the people involved who will help you and show you how to build your own lucrative Watkins Home-based Business.

IMPORTANT: Because of the level of support that I am going to provide to you, I must limit the number of people who I can allow to take advantage of this offer.

To get started, go to:

Once I receive notification that you have joined, I will mail you a $50 Watkins Products Gift Certificate and you will start receiving step by step instructions on how to build your own lucrative Watkins home-based business.

You're already doing what it takes . . . Why not get paid for it?

Peter J. Regan
Watkins Associate #046673
P.O. Box 3518
Vista, CA 92085