Subject: I'm Fulfilling My Commitment to You

Hi Friend,

I hope everything is going well with you.

You may or may not be interested in this but I thought I'd throw it out and let you decide.

You see, I get paid every month whether I work that month or not and I have been for quite some time. Over the years, I've been constantly tweaking the systems I've been using to make the most amount of income in the least amount of time at the lowest cost.

Recently I came across something that already is showing that it could be the greatest advancement to come along to date.

I'm really excited about it and decided to share it with people who I've done business with in the past.

Like I said, it may be for you or it may not be for you, but I wanted to make sure that it was you making the decision and not me. Also, I wanted to make sure that years from now nobody can come up to me and say, "Hey, why didn't you tell me about that?".

So I'm telling everyone about it.

If you would like to hear a little more about it, listen to my recorded message at:


If you're still interested after hearing the recorded message, I'll get some more info to you.

If you're not interested, no problem, I fulfilled my mission to at least make you aware of it and I wish you a healthy and prosperous future.

All the best,
