Subject: Everyone Who Joins Goes In YOUR Downline!

Hi Friend,

Join Watkins with me and EVERYONE who joins after you will go into YOUR Downline!

I'm building a straight-line downline Powerline . . . and you can benefit from it!

My massive advertising is rolling out now and as new Consultants join I will be placing them one under another in a straight line downline.

So the next person to join after you will be placed directly under you. And the next person to join will be placed under the person under you.

Your downline and your potential for profit will grow as I place new members in your downline!

Do you realize what that could mean for you?

I will place people into your downline until you or someone in your downline reaches Manager level.

Once you reach Manager level, you will be earning enough of an income that you will be able to continue the business building techniques that I am using to help build your business. And, of course, I will be teaching you everything I know along the way.

Now, before you start thinking, "This sounds too good to be true" let me bring you back to earth . . .

This is a business, not a charity. I'm doing this because I know I will benefit from it in the long run.

I will benefit from it whether you take the next open spot or if someone else takes it.

You will only benefit from it only if you take action and join now.

You will have to work and the harder you work, the better and faster results you will get.

You won't have to do anything that you can't do and I can't promise you that it will always be easy.

But I can promise you that it will be worth it!

Get started now by going to:

Once you join, I will contact you regularly to help you get the most out of your new business.


Peter Regan
Watkins Consultant 046673
P.O. Box 3518
Vista, CA 92085