Subject: Do you suncerely want to make more money and have more free time?

Hi Friend,

Do you sincerely want to make more money and have more free time?

If so, you may be interested in my exclusive new personal coaching program.

The way it works is:

Join with me and I'll become your personal coach.

I'll coach you along the way to success on a daily basis.

We'll work together to build your own lucrative Watkins home-based business that will take up just a few hours per week and won't interfere with anything you're doing now.

Then I'll show you how to teach others to do the exact same thing.

As those people start building their own businesses, your income will increase.

There is no ceiling as to how much you can make doing this. The only limits are the ones that you impose on yourself.

But a word of warning . . .

This is not for everyone!

Because of the personal commitment that I must make, I'm forced to limit the number of people that I can accept into my exclusive personal coaching program.

We're going to be in contact almost every day either by phone or email.

I'm going to push you to do more than you might have thought yourself capable of . . .

and I'm going to hold you accountable to do it.

I don't promise that this will be easy . . .

but I do promise that it will be worth it!

If you would like to be considered for my exclusive personal coaching program, go to:

to learn more about the business.

Then contact me by phone or email to learn exactly what it is that I do and how I can help you. What I will expect from you and what you can expect from me.


Peter Regan
P.O. Box 3518
Vista, CA 92085