Apr 2019 - 74.95 Points - (60.00% Return on Investment)
It's because they know, every month they are following a tipster who makes money, nothing more and nothing less.
Now he has teamed up with The Bet Professionals, and they are looking
for 75 punters who are serious about making big profit from man's best friend.
Since September 2015 this guy has just got more and more impressive, and if I see something like this that can provide my members with profit then you know
I just have to shine a light on it!
TOAL POINTS PROFIT - 3,539.26 Points
OVERALL ROI% - 29.56%
All bets were fully proofed to two independent proofing platforms.
If you want to get involved with these kind of results then the time is NOW!
Like I said, there is (WAS) only 75 places up for grabs.
A big chunk of the places have already been taken, if you want to claim yours and start your journey to K9 profits, get involved today.
Kind Regards,
Niall - WAP Tipsters