16:01 Newcastle - Desert Land (3pt bet advised @ 2/1 - Insurebet)
This means we took slightly lower odds on the win but if the horse would have finished 2nd/3rd we'd have had our stake return.
The result was a win for Desert Land and a 6pt profit on the bet.
16:55 Ascot - Sound Of Iona (2pt straight win bet advised at 2/1)
Another winner and another 4pt profit on the day.
Last up we headed over to Ireland...
18:10 Down Royal - Scenic Look (3pt stake advised on a top 4 finish at 2.38)
Scenic Look did just that finishing 4th in the race for another 5.52pts profit.
That's 15.52pts profit on the day.
If you weren't on the bets...