Subject: "Absolutely Smashed It This Week Guys...

...14.5 Points Last Night Alone"

That was the tune our man at Total Football was singing along to yesterday, to be honest he's just coming off as a little cocky now!

Would you blame him? He has been on fire since this service started, making only profit! 200+ Points in 3 months for this guys service!

3 straight weeks of positive tips, massive profits and £145 made on a wednesday night cup match (£10/point)

He picked out Derby County away at flying chelsea at a 2+ Handicap and they ended up scoring 4!  (2 og's!!!)

Recommended bets
Derby + 2 handicap . 5 points win @ 21/20 Ladbrokes

We are getting feedback everyday praising this service and the positive things its doing for our members. If they have followed every tip - Every member of this service is in the money! Unbelievable.

But its not just the tips, the system is the key to making REAL money and keeping your betting bank growing with this guy.

And you can still get involved with this system of betting and these tips for half price!

Remember: This offer wont be around forever, Total Football is becoming popular, and the half price doors wont be open for long.

Dont sit back and watch this service make other people money week in week out!

Get in while its hot and get in while its cheap,
because that could be you, Friend

See you there,

Niall - WAP Tipsters

WAP Tipsters, Registered Office, 20 - 22 Wenlock Road, United Kingdom, N1 7GU,
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