Hi Friend, Hope you've been doing well since my last email to you :-)
Over the past few months we’ve put out a ton of videos, podcasts, and blogs for you. Here’s just a few of the newest things we’ve done… I hope that you enjoy them!
If you like gear videos, check out these on YouTube (here's just a few) : *How to turn a $30 overdrive into a $180 pedal *Are vacuum tubes now the future? A look at the new Synergy technology *Stacking Overdrive pedals into a clean and dirty amp *Do all tubescreamers sound the same? A comparison of pedals based on the tubescreamer circuit *Paisley Drive Deluxe and Tumnus Deluxe demos *The best (or worst?) Metal Zone mod ever
https://www.youtube.com/user/wampcat/videos ___________________________________
If you are into podcasts, we’ve released several new ones since my last email as well: *193 - Classic ‘cheap’ Pedals, Circuit Nerdery, and a possible Wampler Re-release ? *190 - TS9/TS808 controversial video and why do pedals cost so much? *189 - Is Apple pulling the plug on downloading?? And how money works in the music industry and making it work for you. *186 - Where should you place Amp-in-a-box pedals? *185 - Q&A Day: Lo-Mid-Hi Gain, what is the difference? Amp Specific Pedals, Why not? *184 - Q&A Day: circuit component discussion, which pedals with my rig, and Daw recording *183 - Bonamassa’s Rant, A DIY Book Update and Favorite “Always On” Pedals
http://chasingtonepodcast.com/ ___________________________________
If you prefer reading, and/or blogs, here are our some of our latest articles on the website: *The twelve things I’ve learned the hard way about Social Media *Balancing Family, Life, and Guitar *Merry Christmas, and a look back at the year *When anxiety unexpectedly ruins your gig *The cost of tone-chasing *Demo Artists vs Reviewers *Gear Demo - Do's and Don'ts. *Being stuck in a rut *Mojo - The hype is real, right?
http://wamplerpedals.com/news/blog/itemlist ___________________________________
We're off to Namm this week, if you happen to be going stop by and say hello!
Thanks, Brian