Subject: 💯 [24 Hours Only] Want 100% Commissions?

I'm about to show you how to DOUBLE your affiliate commissions with ZERO extra effort.

Hey amigo!

Got a short and simple one for you
today. I just wanted to help anyone
who may be on the fence about RIK...

You know, my Recurring Income Kit...

The 30-day email coaching series that
can have you earning passive, recurring
commissions on over 10 industry-leading

As well as a brand new, full lead 
capture set...

To get right off that fence! :)

Here's how...

For 24 hours only, I'm giving you 
my 100% commissions upgrades
for both RIK itself...


When you pick up the Recurring
Income Kit today!

All you have to do is this...

>> Grab RIK Here!

And then reply to this email
with your receipt, and I'll set
you up with 100% commissions

On both RIK and Passiveclass.

This doubles your earnings with
literally zero extra effort.

Thanks and enjoy!

- Lee


I want you to always be on the
lookout for opportunities like
this, where you can double your
commissions through the funnel.

Three come to the top of my
mind, and I've been using all
of them to earn 100% funnel
commissions. It's been great!

I'll reveal these to you over 
the next few days.

This can be a game-changer,
especially if you're using solo
ads as a traffic resource.

More on that soon. :)

In the meantime...

>> Grab RIK and 100% Commissions Here!

Thanks again.