Subject: Unlock Your Financial Sovereignty: Learn Why Bitcoin Is Your Key to Freedom

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Bitcoin: Your Path to Financial Liberation Starts Here
If you’ve stayed away from Bitcoin or privacy coins like Monero for the last 13 years, I would bet it’s because you’re either:
  1. Intimidated and overwhelmed by it…
  2. Afraid to make costly mistakes by buying into something you don’t understand…
  3. Tried learning about it but it seems way too complicated…
  4. Skeptical about the technology and wonder if it’s just a scam…
  5. Not in a rush to check it out so you keep putting it off…
Or a combination of these reasons.


I would also bet that there’s a part of you that wants to finally understand Bitcoin even if for no other reason than to be able to make a definite informed decision about whether it’s an asset worth getting or not.

Because you know inflation is wrecking the value of the US dollar.

You’ve seen the headlines that the dollar may not be the world’s reserve currency in the near future.

You’ve heard of central bank digital currencies (CBDCs) that the Federal Reserve is working on and about a dozen countries already have and how they’re intended to track every transaction in the economy and give governments and banks the power to freeze or shut down the accounts of anyone at any time - effectively eliminating their ability to live.

And you’ve been told that Bitcoin and Monero could be the answer to these problems.

That it has the power to protect and grow your wealth. To expand your freedom. And even allow for the creation of a parallel economy outside of the central banking system.

But despite all that…

You haven’t found a truly “beginner-friendly” program about Bitcoin that answers your questions and helps you finally understand enough to get into Bitcoin and use it for wealth and freedom.

That all changes now.

John Bush of Live Free Academy has created a brand new, free training about Bitcoin that’s designed for BEGINNERS ONLY.

Whether you’re 8 or 88, you will walk away with a better understanding of Bitcoin than most people walking the planet.

Even if you know absolutely nothing about it right now.

It’s called…

Unlock Your Financial Sovereignty: Why BITCOIN is the Key to Exiting the CBDC control grid for Good

This is, without a doubt, the most important 90-minute presentation you could ever watch right now at this moment in history if you want sound money, financial privacy, and freedom from the global elites trying to entrap you.

It’s the first step on your journey to a whole new world of financial liberation.

Most beginners to Bitcoin have been misled by a host of misconceptions, myths, and even outright lies about Bitcoin from the mainstream media and even some well-meaning but misinformed independent, alternative voices in the Truth and Freedom movement.

End the misconceptions at this free online training!

John Bush will lay them all out and expose the real, raw truth about Bitcoin you’ve probably never heard before.

Not only that, John’s going to give you irrefutable PROOF that central bankers are scared to death of the awesome power of Bitcoin (and are deeply afraid of you figuring out how to use it for wealth and freedom).

He’s also going to show you 100% true evidence that the most powerful governments on Earth are completely POWERLESS to stop Bitcoin. Once you see this with your own eyes, you’ll never see Bitcoin the same way again.


John will give you his dead-simple framework for absolute beginners to IMMEDIATELY start using Bitcoin for financial sovereignty and long-term wealth protection (no matter your age, experience, knowledge, or technical ability).

It’s everything a beginner needs to wrap their minds around Bitcoin and start using it for what it was made for: financial liberation.

>> Click here to join Unlock Your Financial Sovereignty for FREE!

We'll see you there!

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