Subject: Latest Headlines inc. What Is Body Scan Meditation and How Can It Help You Relax?

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Wake Up World's Latest Article Headlines
Could This Vitamin Slow Brain Aging and Ward Off Alzheimer’s?

Found in milk as well as in supplement form, NR may help to boost levels of NAD+, which typically declines in the brain with age, leading to metabolic and cellular dysfunction. 

By guest writer Dr Joseph Mercola.
What Is Body Scan Meditation and How Can It Help You Relax?

There are many types of meditation to try, but body scan meditation is especially helpful when stress shows up in your body — a tight neck, headaches, or a clenched jaw.

By guest writer Dr Edward F Group.
Discover the ancient wisdom of Chinese energy medicine and start improving your health and vitality today by downloading your free copy of Master Mingtong Gu's book, "The Secrets of Ancient Chinese Healing." Click here to get started!
The Rise Of The Digital Nomad: The New Way Of Working

A digital nomad is a fully remote worker who operates while constantly traveling. That’s not to say they spend 24 hours a day on the road. Digital nomads spend some time in a city or area, exploring it and working, then pack up and go discover a new destination.

By guest writer Sophia Smith.
The Amazing Anti-Cancer Properties of Mayapple

Most of the mayapple plant is considered poisonous. Keep reading, however, and you will see why mayapple holds a special place in both natural and conventional medicine when processed properly and taken in the right amounts. 

By guest writer Charlene Bollinger.
Imagine moving through painful trauma, stress, and tension, and discovering a heightened state of wellbeing, ease, and joy!

You were designed to naturally live free of painful emotions and trauma… and your body’s natural reflexes may hold the key, says Steve Haines, a teacher of Tension & Trauma Releasing Exercises (TRE®), a gentle therapeutic technique that has helped thousands of people around the world.

TRE assists the body in releasing deep muscular patterns of stress, tension, and trauma, which calms down the nervous system. After doing TRE, many people have reported feelings of peace and wellbeing.

Would you like to know more? The don't miss this empowering free online event with Steve:

Numerous healing modalities focus primarily on the mental or emotional causes of trauma, requiring that you relive or understand the associated stress and pain as a means to overcome it.

In contrast, TRE engages your primitive reflexes to reveal where trauma is residing in your body. You then “shake it out,” releasing long-held tension patterns and experiencing feelings of connection and peace.

With Steve, you’ll explore how harnessing the power of your reflexes can release trauma and neutralize your own fear-based patterns while calming your nervous system and easing your body back into a state of balance.

RSVP here for this important free online event!

In this empowering online event, you’ll explore:
  • A “shaking meditation” that can help you experience your body in a new, empowered way
  • Why TRE is a simple and effective somatic practice that harnesses the power of your primitive reflexes to release stress, tension, and trauma in all levels of your being
  • How overactive fight-or-flight responses hijack mental, emotional, and physical functions — and how you can begin to disrupt this unhealthy pattern
  • Why experiencing feelings as sensations rather than emotions neutralizes fear-based patterns while amplifying your built-in ability to regulate your own wellbeing and avoid feeling overwhelmed
  • How you can learn to overcome trauma without having to talk it out or understand why it happened
Through TRE, you develop the ability to regulate intense feelings, putting you back in control…

… and helping you live with a sense of ease, joy, love, and connection.

Reserve your free place here and start banishing your trauma today!

We hope you’re able to catch the event as scheduled. But if you register and miss it, you’ll receive a downloadable recording as soon as it’s available.

Here's to overcoming trauma and regaining control!

Articles From The Archive
The Many Medicinal Benefits of Cannabis and Cannabidiol (CBD)

Production of cannabis is booming as the medical benefits of CBD (cannabidiol) are increasingly recognized by the scientific community – with at least 50 health conditions believed to be treated or improved by CBD. 

By contributing writer Dr. Joseph Mercola.
Psychobiotics: Bacteria For Your Brain?

Every functional medicine psychiatrist has case stories of the “probiotic cure” to mental illness – of a patient whose debilitating symptoms remitted completely with dietary change and probiotic supplementation. 

By guest writer Kelly Brogan M.D. 
3 Ways to Experience “Dadirri” in Nature

“Dadirri. It is inner, deep listening and quiet, still awareness. Dadirri recognizes the deep spring that is inside us. We call on it and it calls to us … When I experience dadirri, I am made whole again.” – Miriam Rose Ungunmerr-Baumann, Aboriginal teacher and artist.
How to Increase Dopamine, the Motivation Molecule

Dopamine is a key neurotransmitter for motivation, focus and productivity. Learn the symptoms of dopamine deficiency and natural ways to increase dopamine levels … 

By Contributing Writer Deane Alban
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