Subject: Latest Headlines inc. Weekly Astrology Forecast for July 14th - 21st 2024

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Wake Up World's Latest Article Headlines
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7 Omens That Herald the Dark Night of the Soul Mateo Sol

Discover the meaning behind the Dark Night of the Soul and how it differs from depression. Embrace this spiritual crisis as a path to profound transformation. 

By contributing writer Mateo Sol.

Empathy is more than just a feeling; it's a complex brain process. Our new article explores how the anterior insula and other brain regions help us connect with others' emotions. Read on to uncover the science of compassion. 

By staff writer Lily Anderson
Rediscover Your Natural Ability to Communicate with Animals

Discover the magic of interspecies telepathic communication! Join this free online event and learn how to deeply connect with animals. Register now for a transformative experience.
Weekly Astrology Forecast for July 14th - 21st 2024

This week, the stars are in flux, bringing unpredictable and edgy energy for all star signs. From the Mars/Uranus/Algol conjunction to a powerful Full Blue Moon, the astrological events from July 14th to 21st are intense. Learn how to navigate this chaotic week and find out what it means for your sign. 

By contributing writer Lorna Bevan
Articles From The Archive
5 Signs You’re Out of Spiritual Alignment – and Ways to Rejuvenate Your Connection

Do you ever feel a nagging sensation deep within, a sign that something isn't quite right? Perhaps it’s a limitation within yourself, or a lack of flow and direction? 

Our guest writer Nick Polizzi delves into these introspective topics.
8 Gentle Ways to Slowly Remove Sugar in Your Diet

Everyone knows that too much processed sugar in your diet is bad for you, in so many ways - and yet it's difficult to ditch the sweet stuff, and artificial sweeteners are certainly no improvement. 

Guest writer Kara Reynolds suggests 8 ways to gently and gradually kick your sugar habit.
9 Simple Morning Rituals That Could Change Your Life

Adopt these simple but spiritual morning rituals to rise and shine like never before. 

From guest writer Aletheia Luna.
3 Ways to Detox with Iodine

If you're looking to detox, iodine should be a key tool—not only is this mineral very important for healthy liver and kidney function, but it also helps to remove halides and heavy metals from your body. 

By guest writer Ty Bollinger.
Embrace the art of giving support without losing yourself. Being there for others is a beautiful quality, but remember to preserve your own well-being too. Self-care isn’t selfish; it’s essential. Balance compassion for others with compassion for yourself to truly thrive.
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