Subject: Latest Headlines inc. Vitamin D Supplementation - This Is Why It Can Be Wrong

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Wake Up World's Latest Article Headlines
Vitamin D Supplementation: This Is Why It Can Be Wrong

Statistics suggest that many adults and children do not have enough vitamin D in the body. 

With this vitamin now being linked to better Covid outcomes, we may see a rush to supplement - but that would often be a mistake, says guest writer and clinical nutritionist Raluca Schachter.
3 DIY Practices To Pamper Your Body And Spirit

Discover three simple ways to bring the feel-good factor back into your life, so you can feel refreshed, pampered and ready to face whatever lies ahead in your life. 

By guest writer Nick Polizzi.
Have You Ever Heard of This Healthy Alternative to Flour?

Breadfruit is a sustainable, high production crop that has a low glycemic index and may provide one answer to the growing problem of food shortages around the world. It's also high in antioxidants, calcium, carotenoids, fiber, potassium and magnesium. 

By contributing writer Dr Joseph Mercola.
Feeling Good Now: Raising Your Vibration in Stressful Times

When we operate from a high vibration, we attract abundance and love into our lives - but in these stressful times, it's not easy to raise your vibration. 

Guest writer Jennie Ankney has some sound advice.
Would you like to more easefully ride the big waves of life, welcoming whatever life brings to you with a deep sense of compassion and wisdom?

To get there, you’ll need to reduce your stress — and its underlying root in fear.

Fear is one of the leading contributors to stress, according to one of the foremost modern masters of Qigong in the West, Master Mingtong Gu, who received extensive training at the largest medicine-less hospital in China before going on to heal and inspire tens of thousands around the world.

If you want to know how qigong can help you to heal your stress, join Master Mingtong for expert Qigong guidance at this FREE online event:

Discover Qigong Practices to De-Stress and Build Immunity: Learn How Chi Flow and Sound Healing Unlock Your Innate Capacity to Self-Heal

Training your mind and body to relax has a direct impact on releasing your mind from fear, which is why it’s the best thing you can do for your health at any time.

And given the chaotic times we’re living in, it’s essential!

Register here for this revitalizing one-hour FREE video event, where you will:
  • Explore how Qigong can change your perception of how your immune system functions
  • Experience healing sounds and movements designed to renew the organ systems that release fear and support your immune system
  • Discover how to break the cycle of anger and sorrow by releasing the congestive energy patterns in your lungs
  • Learn specific movements to release the stress from your day — as well as cumulative fearful patterns from your past
  • Discover how to start your own daily personal Qigong practice, including learning two practices you can start using right away
A daily Qigong practice can immediately lower your stress and increase your energy — and support you in preventing illness and rejuvenating your body, mind, and spirit.

What’s more, adding sound and vibration to your practice — as Master Mingtong will demonstrate twice in this special online event — exponentially magnifies the impact of your energy to express itself as even more health in your body and purpose in the world.

Don’t miss out – RSVP here for your free place at this event – and get ready to heal your stress, boost your immune system and live a rejuvenated life.

Don’t worry if you can’t attend live, as you will receive a downloadable recording to keep. We’ll see you there!

Articles From The Archive
9 Methods for Dealing with Psychic Energy Attack in Your Field

There’s a high degree of psychic energy attack going on in the field right now. It’s making life increasingly unstable... but here’s why that’s a good thing and how to deal with it. 

By contributing writer Open. 
Sexual Kundalini, Tantra, and Creative Manifestation

There is only a fine dividing line between sexual energy and purely creative energy – so how do we keep the kundalini energy flowing when there is not necessarily opportunity for it to be fulfilled sexually? 

By contributing writer Open.
5 Things Happy People Do Before Getting Out of Bed Every Morning

These five things you can do before getting out of bed are so simple and easy to add to our daily routine yet so effective that it begs the question - Why we weren’t doing them before? 

By Guest Writer Paul Lenda
Sunscreen Chemicals Accumulate at High Levels in Your Body

Toxic chemicals from sunscreens are more easily absorbed into the body and persist for longer than previously thought, new studies reveal. 

Discover how to be sunscreen safe with guest writer Dr Joseph Mercola.
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