Subject: Latest Headlines inc. The Greenhouse of the Future — Grow Your Own Food Year-Round With This Revolutionary System

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Wake Up World's Latest  Article Headlines
Make Your Own Bug-Away Spray (Easy Recipe)

Commercial insect repellents are so incredibly toxic with dangerous chemicals such as DEET (diethyltoluamide). As an Earthie Mama I want to make sure that my children only have the most natural ingredients on their skin. While living in Costa Rica I had to figure out how to protect my family naturally from the overwhelming amounts of bugs. Today I will share with you how simply you can make your own bug-away spray. 

The Greenhouse of the Future — Grow Your Own Food Year-Round With This Revolutionary System

It’s no secret that food security is becoming a critical issue around the world. With drought, economic instability, erratic weather and interruptions in transportation a very real threat, it really doesn’t take much to have the food supply disrupted. But it’s not all doom and gloom. As once famously said: “Necessity is the mother of invention.” Taking this proverb and running with it, a team of innovators from Quebec, Canada have developed an eco-friendly and exceptionally cost-effective solution to our food woes ~ the greenhouse of the future. 

By Contributing Writer Carolanne Wright
The Essential Oils Revolution (ONLINE and FREE) from May 11-18, 2015!

With 31 presentations containing relevant evidence and practical advice, The Essential Oils Revolution will help you use essential oils effectively and confidently. If you register today, you’ll have access to FREE GIFTS as soon as you register!

Happiness – The Grand Illusion?

So often we ask, “Are you happy?” But is this the question we should be asking? I can’t tell you the number of times I have seen the slogan on Facebook (paraphrased): "If someone doesn’t make you happy, let them go." Do we ever consider: “If someone doesn’t make you happy, maybe there is something in you that needs reckoning.” Or, “If someone doesn’t make you happy, buck up because they need your loving kindness”? 

By Contributing Writer Jack Adam Weber
The ‘Gay Agenda’ Is NOT A Part Of The Global Conspiracy

If you have been researching the New World Order, Illuminati, etc., you may have come across the assertion that the elite have been deliberately promoting a “gay agenda“, i.e. pushing homosexuality as part of their master plan. But the idea that the elite could even promote homosexuality is based on the (false) assumption that being gay is a choice, not an inherent orientation. This is simply more divide and conquer tactics, designed to keep the masses infighting and distracted from the real oppressors – the military-industrial-intelligence-banking cabal, who are in turn possessed by a darker force. 

By Guest Writer Makia Freeman
The Question of Consciousness

Is consciousness an illusion? Since the dawning of the Age of Reason in the 1700s, materialistic philosophy as we know it — derived from the mechanistic worldview — has steadfastly maintained that what we call experience arises solely as a by-product of the brain’s internal workings. No brain, no consciousness. But is it really that simple? What about functions of consciousness that appear to transcend the cranial boundaries of our heads? Is the belief in a mechanistic universe just a modern superstition that is hindering our understanding of consciousness?

By Guest Writer Brendan D. Murphy
The Glowing Skin Summit, online and free from April 27 – May 4, will bring secrets, wisdom and cutting-edge information from 35 of the world’s top wellness, nutrition, hormone and skin experts. They’ll teach you the best natural (and least invasive) treatments for glowing skin and vibrant health!

Why I Am No Longer A Light Worker

No, I haven’t turned to the dark-side, but rather I am transcending sides. Intrinsic within this holographic spell is the notion that duality and polarity are natural aspects of life, and that we must serve one side of duality or the other. This elegantly simple binary imprint has become so prominent that we have lost sight of the larger holographic spell that spawned it. Indeed, we have lost sight of the hologram all together, and come to believe that it is the sum total of reality. In this reality, both sides are two halves of the same coin... 

By Guest Writer Cameron Day
Relative and Non-Relative Consciousness

Through all of the distraction and pressures that come with living on earth today, many of us struggle to tap into the innate essence that we require to elevate our consciousness and live up to our spiritual potential. But just because we haven’t tapped into it yet doesn’t mean that all hope is lost. We have more potential to access and greater perception to explore than we realize. But, if we want to find it, we have to be willing to transcend the constant mental chatter that vies for our attention, and learn to quiet the cloudy thought forms that keep us from connecting with spirit and enjoying the love, bliss and pure awareness that results. 

By Guest Writer Wes Annac
7 Best Foods to Support Kidney Function

Your kidneys provide vital service to your body — they filter waste from your blood, regulate blood pressure, manage water re-absorption, control acidity in the body and balance electrolytes. Considering their importance, eating a diet to promote kidney health could be one of the best things you can do. These 7 foods will support your kidneys and make their job easier. 

By Guest Writer Dr. Edward F. Group III

How can you tell if you are an old soul? Are there differences in traits or behaviors? What signs can you look for that can help me differentiate the difference? 

A Handful of Walnuts Each Day Can Help Keep Breast Cancer Away

A powerful defense against breast cancer might just be found in the daily habit of eating walnuts. Researchers at Marshall University in Virginia have discovered that breast cancer risk dropped significantly in lab animals who ate a regular diet that included a modest amount of the nut. 

By Contributing Writer Carolanne Wright
10 Surprising Things That Trigger “Fight-Or-Flight”

You know that when you’re getting chased by a tiger, you’re almost in a car accident, your “to do” list is overflowing, and you’re burning the candle at both ends, your body’s “fight-or-flight” stress responses are going to get triggered. But you might not know what else will trigger stress responses in your body, and it’s important that you do! 

By Guest Writer Lissa Rankin
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