Subject: Latest Headlines inc. September 2015 Convergence: Is There Any Connection Between These World Events?

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Wake Up World's Latest  Article Headlines
Pepsi Co. Swaps Aspartame for Sucralose — But Is It Any Better?

Pepsi has recently announced a move that will replace aspartame with sucralose (Splenda), citing consumer demand regarding the supposed health dangers of aspartame. However, given the host of negative health effects associated with the consumption of sucralose - is it really any better? 

By Guest Writer Dr. Edward F. Group
The A=432 Hz Frequency: DNA Tuning and the Bastardization Music

Research suggests that A=440Hz frequency music conflicts with human energy centers, from the heart to the base of the spine (ie. the lower four chakras) while the chakras above the heart are stimulated. Theoretically, the vibration stimulates ego and left-brain function, suppressing the “heart-mind,” intuition and creative inspiration. So how did we come to have the energetically disruptive A=440 Hz as the musical standard? 

By Guest Writer Brendan D. Murphy 
September 2015 Convergence: Is There Any Connection Between These World Events?

The end of September 2015 has become the subject of much attention, apprehension and prediction. As usual, this involves a certain amount of fear-mongering, sensationalism, biblical prophecies and other dire warnings, which are best to take with a grain of salt. However, despite all of that, one has to wonder whether the world events converging in September – from the reactivation of the CERN Large Hadron Collider to Operation Jade Helm 15 – are connected, and whether they are a response by the New World Order elite to the rapidly rising consciousness of humanity. 

By Contributing Writer Makia Freeman 
As Financial Markets Around the World Fall, Let Your Soul Soar!

It's easy to be lulled into the false security that tomorrow will be just like it was yesterday: there's plenty of food on supermarket shelves and gallons of fuel at the pumps. But change is in the air. We know this whole "shebang" is unsustainable and unstable and, as I write this, there are 23 nations around the world where the stock market is already falling strongly. We are not heading towards financial crisis. We are already in it. Let's not bury our heads in strongly shifting sand...

By Contributing Writer Openhand
Soothing Vibes For Hectic Living

“In your face” is how life seems to be so much of the time, and in so many ways – banner headlines, sound-bites, bright lights, advertising, high speed, high volume, high energy. Loud fast and furious is great for the adrenaline rush, but after the rush comes the downer and eventually we pay a price. How? We lose the ability to look for ourselves, and truly see the hidden nuances and textures.

By Guest Writer Simon Cole
In the Trenches of Battlefield Earth

Ever wonder why you feel so all alone during this crucial time in history? Why there is a sense of isolation yet at the same time, you feel so connected to the information field and those waking up? Quite the conundrum. Yet the reality of it gets louder by the day... 

By Contributing Writer Zen Gardner
Free Online Health Summits

September 14th -20th

What could be more important than the health and well being of our young people?

ADHD, Autism, mood disorders, autoimmunity are on the rapid rise in our young population. Our children are now affected by obesity, diabetes, depression, addictions to sugar, media, and technology, the list goes on.

We need a children’s and teen health revolution!

7 Best Foods to Support Kidney Function

Your kidneys provide vital service to your body — they filter waste from your blood, regulate blood pressure, manage water re-absorption, control acidity in the body and balance electrolytes. Considering their importance, eating a diet to promote kidney health could be one of the best things you can do. These 7 foods will support your kidneys and make their job easier. 

The Greenhouse of the Future — Grow Your Own Food Year-Round With This Revolutionary System

It’s no secret that food security is becoming a critical issue around the world. With drought, economic instability, erratic weather and interruptions in transportation a very real threat, it really doesn’t take much to have the food supply disrupted. But it’s not all doom and gloom. As once famously said: “Necessity is the mother of invention.” Taking this proverb and running with it, a team of innovators from Quebec, Canada have developed an eco-friendly and exceptionally cost-effective solution to our food woes ~ the greenhouse of the future. 

By Contributing Writer Carolanne Wright
10 Surprising Things That Trigger “Fight-Or-Flight”

You know that when you’re getting chased by a tiger, you’re almost in a car accident, your “to do” list is overflowing, and you’re burning the candle at both ends, your body’s “fight-or-flight” stress responses are going to get triggered. But you might not know what else will trigger stress responses in your body, and it’s important that you do! 

By Guest Writer Lissa Rankin
Heal Your Family – Heal The World

Even if we are conscious and awake, we often find ourselves in families where judgement, blame and negative energy is the norm. Maybe we also contribute to this dynamic, even though we “know better.” When family members are not responsible with their energy or accountable for their behavior, family dysfunction is often the result. In one way or another, this is true for most families and the very reason why we experience so much family discord and disconnection. But what if you could live in a family where everyone is responsible with their energy and everyone is accountable to a higher (more aware) way of living and loving? 

By Contributing Writer Nanice Ellis
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